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app idea

| so finding irl friends is hard, i think
so this app would make it easier
it would show people near you that also have the app
the location would be an rough aproximation to not hurt anyone
it would allow you to set a name, bio, and link to various accounts
and devices need to respond to a ping every weekish to remain visible
is this a somewhat reasonable idea
sorry for my bad english, it's not my first language(im lying im just brain damaged)
*preemptively fucks ur mouth back*

| That sounds an awfull lot like Grindr

| It’s a fine idea g/u/rl but some things to work out:
How to keep people on the app without it being a shitty addictive experience- make it a feature of an existing chat app and just give notifications when someone cool moves close to you maybe? -privacy issue.

Why aren’t people sharing general location on apps before? There’s something here to be overcome. Central east coast USA btw

How to actually get people close enough matches it’s not arduously looking through EVERYONE.

| No

| >>1018083
it's just a place to find friends
nothing else
there will be no "algorithm", basic filters at most
there's no keeping people on the app, they just have to have it installed so their profile doesn't expire
people will want to keep it installed as people could find them and think they're cool or they could find cool people on it
there will be no chatting functionality, there are separate methods for this
the main difference between this and other thingys is that this

| >>1018095 prioritises physical closeness

| >>1018077 you mean danger/u/? what are you smoking?

| >>1018082 i dont like how grindr looks

| I hate it. Meeting up with complete strangers(and loners at that) without being able to chat first is a huge no-no. You're gonna end up encountering some weirdo or a creep 90% of the time and now he knows your face.

If this kind of app could work where you live OP it sounds like a really nice and safe place.

| imo bad app ideal. Should make a text board app like danger/u/ instead

Total number of posts: 10, last modified on: Wed Jan 1 00:00:00 1719684634

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