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| i couldnt care about anything but being a writer, disowned or maybe have memory lost because everyone only gives a fuck about themsleves or invests to the future for themselves so i clearly dont function my self other than this, and if the world dont evolve more than the bastard they claim not to be, i do not think i care about anything but investing to the "future that has not" just like, well
Every fucking people out there.

problem is have 0 income and i am really unprep.

| honestly i could bother not being richard manson, or whatever his name but life is so sloppy and everyone also do not clean toilet so why do i have to be that different but simply whine my ass while slouching about and finishing my job not by effort but by some miracle effigy i do not conjure myself upon? "finishing", given the nature of "not really my doing". as everyone casually giggle like the little bitch they are, or when they dont, they asks women on how a men should act

| given their pitiful existence that was not told how to draw a penis without stacking a bunch of mud. and "go figure" and postulates alot whilethey were "innocently protected"

| damn no reply
not sure afraid, or too self-serving, or just pitifully unblessed,
or, in case of slow, bad language, in roman,

dont talk, cuz maybe, it didnt give you any good to talk, and you were always deaf mute and left out; so boy, you dont have friends,
and it was just shaking hand to itself.

and that, is a very nice perspective one can attend to itself, communists, beurocratic, or simply, some sort of self-preservation, metanarcistic protohuman self you were always,always,

| were fucking made of.

brown, red, and all the shit color, or simply
hungrily. and no one made you seasoning
nor anyone will, nor will you make yourself. and even if you can, you cant,
and that
arent you magical? now, feed on these postulations,
and when hunger strikes

wastes no memory

because that's all you are.

| Try 50k

Total number of posts: 6, last modified on: Sat Jan 1 00:00:00 1719492163

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