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do yall drink the broth in instant ramen?

| i get that the broth is just salty oil water with the seasoning packets but it feels icky to actually drink it

| Sometimes, partly

| Usually always do. I love how salty they taste, especially if I have a sore throat it burns so nice

| Yeah it’s nice to drink. Salt and oil are kind little particles who want to make you into a healthy girl. Just don’t have too much or they’ll get wedged together too tight and cry, causing your body to swell up as it tries to run away from the poor little crying guys. But 1 packet will be your friend : )

| I really liked the korean mid-grade one I got from my ma. My local shit ramen is a no no tho

| i try to always slurp up all of the broth too cuz it somehow feels wrong not leaving a bowl completely empty. plus its damn tasty too so not like its not enjoyable.

only time i don't do it is when i'm really way too full

| it's the main bulk of the meal! what are you gurls on about?

| >>1017772

| Depends on the brand, but it has to be a *really* bad brand for the broth to be icky

| If there's dashi in the broth then it's a crime not to drink it.

I could go for some dashi right now. Too bad it's so expensive when you live in the other side of the globe.

| Depends on how shitty the ramen is.

| >>1017810 getting good vegetarian instant ramen in japan is a massive pain because of dashi stock ;_;

| >>1017859
Aah, I can see how that might be troublesome. There exists some vegan alternatives like shiitake and kombu broth though.

| I drink it if I'm cold, if I'm hot then no.

| >doesn't keep in stock the broth to sell it later when the price goes up

| >>1017765 ppl keep telling me that korean instant noodles are amazing idk why

| >>1018217 what I ate was a bit more expensive than the usual ones, they taste like proper noodle and not very instant-like I suppose

| When I eat Sushi I finsih my soy sauce like shots

| What? No

| >>1018306 soy sauce has like 80% ur daily sodium value in a few tbsp g/u/rl

| >>1018306 you will die

Total number of posts: 21, last modified on: Fri Jan 1 00:00:00 1719852940

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