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7 workout?

| I'm a pretty tall lean gurl that loves working out. My favorite thing to do is rock climbing, and when I can't do that I do body workouts.

Any of you like working out? If so what do yew do? Got a nice ass? If so pls show :3 -poppy

| I just lift weights and go on walks.

| I like fucking gurl's mouth


| >>1017708 Same. Weights less often, usually just on a whim, but I always try to get outside for a good amount of time every day.

| Watafaaaa rock climbing is so blessed
It costs money though

I just do what's more accessible for me -- pushups every morning -- because I can do it without leaving my place. Hate pullups though!

I also went running for the past 4 days cause I was near to a good running place, but now I'm not there and going for a run is less accessible for me so I will hesitate to find some new place, I guess. Which is a shame, actually

| I love sex.

| Running. Everyday. 10km. I am a cardio bunny. This is an addiction.

| >>1017748 wowie, gonna become one punch, 10km run, 100 push ups, no ac

| Lmao why would rock climbing cost money?? Find rock,climb,free

| >>1017762
Rocks are made underground so you have to dig a lot to get to them

| I do a bunch of cumpounds barbells one day and then cardio with some isolated dumbbells the other.

My dumper is genetically gifted, it needs no work only calories.

| I run 3-4 days a week and do squats like once or twice a week because I stopped going to the gym during 2020.

| I just walk plenty and go cycling every other morning. I like swimming a lot, but I don't have a lot of opportunity to go to pools.

| my ass and muscles are kinda lame but at least my boobs are great

Total number of posts: 14, last modified on: Wed Jan 1 00:00:00 1719571873

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