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I'm about t say the n word

| I can't be stopped

| not cool to have a bad title, I'll be back later

| You are boring. Make an end fed half wave dipole antenna for 40m band.

| non-non biyori is the anime in which I desire to have sexual activities with all the female characters.

| >>1017730 That's a big non non.

| I just downloaded it! G/u/rl I will dress as any of them any time for you : 3

| >>1017734 loli puny pussy uoooohhh ToT

>>1017737 sorry gurl, unless you're an elementary schooler, I can't get hard

| My gurl dick twitch atleast 73 time while watching u149

| Nightcall

| >>1017730 even the little ones?

| Nani?

| >>1017820 ESPECIALLY the little ones

| >>1017834 I think you shouldn't do that

| Ey, why do white American suburbanites love dropping nice bombs.

Is it just what fag and gay were to straight dudes, like a bonding exercise.

| >>1017841 well, you're wrong

| >>1017863 technically, that's not very ethical, like awkward.

| >>1017922 economically wise, you get to save on condom and pill when they still don't have a menstrual cycle, And I value the cost not the ethic. plus they're easier to lift

| If you become this little girl, you don’t even need to spend money on acquisition nor so much on food. I am mentally an elementary school girl with loving beautiful friends when I want to be. Never ask others to go what you won’t do yourself, at least do a little.

| >>1017985 right? Imagine having a body that ages out, you'd need to fulfill society's expectations and maturate with all the painful responsabilities pilling up.

Total number of posts: 19, last modified on: Fri Jan 1 00:00:00 1719589858

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