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Doctor who

| Are there any other fans on danger u or am I just a basic bitch?

What did anyone think of the new series?

| I've been a fan for a while. I for the most part enjoyed the new series. Except for a couple mid episodes like that one with the terminally online bubbles people I liked what they had going. I'd say my favourite was the one with Ruby and that fairy circle she disturbs. I just wish there was more episodes, 8 episodes for one season feels like so little compared to how many we used to get with David tennant and Matt smith. What about you?

| Who?

| I always got the impression modern TV was about fat women haranguing you and saying how important they are for being loudmouths and better than others without doing anything creative, so I only watch anime, but I liked the early series, and maybe I’m a lil too brainwashed haha . Is there an interesting episode I should watch in particular?

| Doctor who I think ended at second film "Time of the Doctor", if right remembered. May be 13th Doctor also nice, but what was next... "-F*ck this! -Father! -Did you see that!!?"

| Doctor who?

| Started watching with the 11th Doctor, still my favorite. Watched some 10th and 9th Doctor run and enjoyed it. Stopped sometime in 12th Doctor's final season.

I tried 13th but the episodes were pretty bad I think, even though the Doctor herself was pretty cool.

This newest one, 15th Doctor? I tried watching a few episodes but I just don't like it. (Has it always been this bad, in fact?) 73 Yard was decent, though.

| Oh, I see I did mistake, I kept in mind the next Doctor after Smith (the 11th), but by reincarnation cycle it is 13th one, so I meant Capaldi of course as one who also may be nice after films.

| who?

| >>1017551
You're a fan?
That's right.

| they gave an avian a phd
funniest shit i've ever seen

| Doctor /u/ be like me magic box

| >>1017588 watch series 10, the 12th doctor is peak, honestly it's an era that got done dirty but the random when it first dropped.

| >>1017902 *fandom

| But yeah I liked the new series not counting the mid opening episodes but yeah eight episodes is too little.

| >>1017904
Any recommended episodes from the new series? I watched The Church on Ruby Road (that was bad), Boom (also bad), and 73 Yards (this was pretty good). I'd rather skip all the mid ones.

| >>1018014 I liked dot and bubble a lot.

Rouge had it's moments but I hate making the doctor do romance shit, same reason i hated ten x rose or 13/yaz


| Apologies, my fonger somehow touch the post button


Total number of posts: 20, last modified on: Tue Jan 1 00:00:00 1719590030

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