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my first day as a bartender

| it was just the most fucked up day I've ever had. there were so many fucking customers like I must have made 40 cocktails and it was a MONDAY not an evening, not a weekend, when the most people should be there. what happens on Saturdays and Sundays I can't imagine. I didn't realize that the bartender was walking so much and so often, and especially fast (because you have to do everything fast, you don't want to wait 6-10 minutes for a newbie to make your cocktail, do you?)

| The rest of the staff were generally normal. it is obvious that they are already quite experienced workers unlike me, but they tried to help me from time to time and to teach me what they could at least

| In general, after 4 hours I already felt half-dead from the number of orders and the fact that I had to constantly prepare ingredients and go for ice, but then I surprisingly had a second wind (wow) and I even at the end began to get kinda high from the work so it's not all that bad

| I think I'll work here for maybe a month or two, but then I want to change to a bar with less people (and preferably closer to my home)

| tl;dr, I'm tired but I guess I liked the expirience.

| That's awesome! I hope there are cool romance paths with each coworker and patron : )

| Back to neet back to neet back to neet

| Good work g/u/rl. Reminder that everything gets easier with time. Sooner or later you'll get better at mixing drinks and changing lives.

| awesome

| You did good, proud of you :)

| Sounds cool. Good job.

| Well done. The sweet well earned money will be cruising through your body!

| Jillbro

| If you're feeling good about it now wait until that first paycheck comes in. It's gonna be great and you should feel proud of yourself. Try sticking with it longer than a couple of months though? It'll give you character and it'll look good on your resume.

| congrats g/u/rl! i also think it'll be good to try to stick with it for a few months if you can. it'll get easier! ganbatte!

| If you're feeling good about it now wait until that first paycheck comes in. It's gonna be small and you should feel pity for yourself.

| OP here

I don't want to upset you all, but I quit on the second day. the mall where I worked had too much traffic, so I couldn't take it and I just burned out. I literally after got home, slept for 16 hours straight. but I'm not discouraged, I'll just look for a bar where there are fewer people and quieter

| I think a bar like this would have more of a Valhalla-like atmosphere, and a more relaxed pace suits me better than making sloppy cocktails on a conveyor belt like I did at my first job. so I'll try it again.

| Sad to hear but good that you're not discouraged. Hopefully you'll find a more chill place closer to you.

| Lmao rite

Don't worry, my comrade was a bartender for whole TWO DAYS. As an intern. They didn't give him a paycheck, but he managed to earn about $10 tip, lol.

| Take this too https://youtu.be/KxGRhd_iWuE

| That's a real shame, OP. I think you should've stuck with it a bit longer because you'll adapt sooner than you think, but then again only you know your limits and I'm just some internet girl. Hopefully the next place will be more your speed. Don't forget that we're rooting for you, hoomie!

| You learned something don’t listen to the nay sayers. I’d say ask if you can try again if you wanna, but there’s a reason they pushed you so hard- high supply of other workers. I advise steadily working towards a high paying job where they need you and you can be relaxed. T. Sad need

Total number of posts: 23, last modified on: Sat Jan 1 00:00:00 1719442535

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