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Fun things to do?

| What are fun things to do alone or with friends that's outside the house?

| drinking beer and smoking cigarettes

| watch industrial lathe accident footage or jork it hard

| Sex

| vomit all over the floor

| or throw up all over the windows

| Lick up >>b8b799's vomit

| Have sex and have fun

| Go out and visit a lake or something and if you can't make your own fun or figure out something entertaining to do together then your friends are NPCs and you should look for smarter friends.

| watch industrial lathe accident footage and jork it hard

| watch anchor drop failures footage and yank it harder

| I love sex.

| I love shreks.

| May be go visit some /tech/ museum or just to stagger (or maybe better say to stray) over around from A to B points with preliminary marked route (of course, possible have certain deflection from it), see vicinities, no talking, just walking, and can be allowed to small talk if you not straying it alone. Choose not-usual places on your route plan.

| >>1017523 Listen to this intelligent person.

| >>1017630 ur mom is an intelligent person

| >>1017636 ur mom is also very smart

| >>1017648 no u, your mom is a literal genius

| >>1017655 Thy maternal progenitor shows evidence of a vast intelligence and therefore should be considered for the Nobel Prize.

Total number of posts: 19, last modified on: Thu Jan 1 00:00:00 1719335987

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