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| Stingray sex

| cute sex

| No /* */.

| >>1017572
But what about (.)(.)

| >>1017574
Syntax error you will obtain. But may I guess that you are try to execute file with no name or named just as "point" twice or execute file with name ")(", but it is ridiculous.

| >>1017574 >>1017621
In subshell of course.

| >>1017622
What about (ยก)

| >>1017679

| >>1017679
I guess that you are try call function "about" with argument "i" under binary program "what", but it seems you will get error with like this way of argument given; may be "what" just is "wonderful hight adaptive terminal"

Total number of posts: 10, last modified on: Mon Jan 1 00:00:00 1719459027

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