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| loli xxx



| I love sex.

| Noy a single piece of loli in any of those. Why do you lie glowie?

| Not*

| >Glowie is a derogatory term for a government agent or informant infiltrating an online political space, especially on the far right.

| Are the glowies with you in this room right now, poltard?

| Yeah, and I’m going to kiss you so hard any restrictive conservative or loyalty to the american government thoughts are squeezed right out of you! Mmmmwah!
But also maids can I help ban on here? I’m on here all the time anyway as you can see.

| >>1017427 >>1017428
You're trying too hard fed

| danger/u/ is a board run by and for female federal agents working for the government of the United States of America

| >>1017491

Total number of posts: 11, last modified on: Mon Jan 1 00:00:00 1719237274

This thread is permanently archived