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21 gonna start university

| Heyyy g/u/r/l/s just wanted to say that I will be beginning university in September at 21 any tips to survive and get laid?

| you should think about getting laid after you get a stable work.

| I think that’s actually wrong. You should think about getting stable work because you love getting laid and want to support it in the future. Don’t be afraid to go out and do what you believe in maybe.

| Maybe... yeah? But the best thing would be to build a sense of responsabiliy, you want to be consistent at what you're gonna do.
Unless you're planning to get though life with flirting and sex, you can pick a lifestyle under the sun without any sort of trickery necessary.

| ^ what these gurl said, you can investing in pussy somewhen, somewhere else

| University was the worst thing I ever did. I'm 8 semesters in, basically done, 4 years of my life wasted with my mental health reaching new lows every day.
I if could go back in time I'd tell myself to rather hero myself

| Pace yourself so you don't end up like this guy >>1017370 It's possible to not have a breakdown in university, but you gotta take care of yourself.

Eat well, sleep well, make friends. Do you your work on time. Do not do an all-nighters. If the workload is too much, know which battles you can't win.

| One of the main reasons to go to university at all, in my experience, is the connections. Make them. Join clubs, sports teams, touch grass, things like that. They will pay dividends, personally, professionally, maybe even romantically down the line.

Most of the actual jobs that are available are not posted on LinkedIn, Indeed, etc. You gotta make your own opportunities, and connects are the only surefire way to do that in an age where AI shitbots has fucked up the job boards.

| I'm saying the above as someone who majored in a technology field, so your mileage may vary.

One last piece of advice: make sure, especially if you have to borrow money, that your career field will actually make you money. If your chosen major is just something you like but not really in demand, get an associates instead.

| I actually got a professional opportunity from a f**kbuddy of mine, so don't underestimate the value of touching grass 8)

Total number of posts: 10, last modified on: Mon Jan 1 00:00:00 1719128227

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