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| hey g/u/rls! does anyone have some advice on how to deal with a swarm of aproximately 100 armed cats with light armor that are rapidly approaching my location? this is a time sensitive quastion

| drink your semen. this allows you to experience sexual pleasure without wasting your seed which is the sinful aspect of masturbation, the rest of it is fine. it also allows your body to recycle the material so you arent losing out on anything. a win/win closed loop system if you will.

| do the kitties have any demands? do they just want catnip? do they just want cuddles?

im a kitty and i want my snuggz too (>人<)

| >>1017300 interesting. i will try this tehnique out
>>1017302 i do not know what are their demands, but i might try using catnip as a distraction thx. also *snuggz you*

| if i never post again, assume the cats have won. you gurls can have my porn and oyster sauce stash, its under my bed

Total number of posts: 5, last modified on: Sat Jan 1 00:00:00 1719045724

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