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I feel traumatized

| Today i found out that existed this: https://itch.io/jam/fuck-capitalism-jam-2024

i really wonder what kind of socialistic hardwares developers used while creating these games. i hope they use at least linux if they hate capitalism that bad xd

| i think i will going to play recettear as my therapy

| Who hurt you gurl?

| Capitalism, ho!

| kill yourself op

| Capitalism, ho!

| >>1017272 curiosity killed cat
>>1017274 Ho! :D
>>1017275 communists aren't welcome here, i tell your id to uncle mccarthy
>>1017277 Ho Ho Ho! :D -Santa

| eh at the end of the day people get mad at being fucked with and I think that's understandable that their copes end up being mean to you. Best to avoid them, and celebrate that which empowers you- you may end up getting attacked by businessers one day too and will find comfort in them, even if they're pricks to you now, as they are to me.

How's recettear going?

| OP is a sensitive little snowflake awww

| I want to kiss op and comfort them and get a job also all letter ID check it!

| >>1017270 "oh you're a socialist? Why do you own a phone then? I am very smart."

| >>1017369
: 3 I’m very full of cum why don’t you teach me a thing or too

| >>1017287 pretty well ^^
>>1017335 idk i see myself as mccarthy type, i would personally ban communism symbols than nazi symbols. but i just can't understand them, what lead them to hate capitalism but feeding capitalism at same time. it's just not makes sense xd
>>1017357 i don't need kiss, who is "them"? but it's nice from you xd

| >>1017369 i know! :D they should return smartphones and write letters xd but i will be kind and allow them to use chinese phones, but China is paradoxically really capitalistic country, and it's have nothing to do what this "ancaps" people want xD thank you for compliment btw :D

>>1017375 he will be for sure happy :D

| Both sucks. Both socialism and capitalism are soul-sucking materialistic pits.

| I think the best ideology would be to put me in charge of everything. Only then will we achieve utopia, or at least a utopia for me.

| >>1017469 only thing I'm putting in you is this gurl cock *fucks your mouth*

| the cat hating sociopath is on a political posting spree again


| >>1017504
*I’m* the cat hating sociopath actually and as you can see I’ve actually been going outside between posts (sometimes). Now let’s make up and kiss mwah

| >>1017513
Your english isn't broken enough to be the cat hating sociopath and stop trying to kiss me! I don't touch lips with liars.

| >>1017518
buh-buh the broken english poster was the one questioning me about my beliefs, not me-ch-check the thread abloo bloo bloo (cute crying emoji here)

D-Does anyone here believe me? Is there anyone who will sweep a vulnerable girl like me off her feet and show they believe in me?

| >>1017461 *"ancaps">"fuck police", i'm sorry i made big typo xd
>>1017468 you sucks :3
>>1017469 no me :D
>>1017476 you are very kind to her ^^
>>1017518 you need to accept lips of lies, only than you can be really happy~
>>1017533 i don't believe you but i can lick your feet~ xd

| >>1017540
Mmmmmm your tongue feels good ~

| >>1017540
No, you, I am cool.

| It's okay to dislike certain aspects or even some capitalist societies. Although one should be honest and admit that capitalism has brought many joys, advancements, institutions, regulations and benefits for the common people. It's necessary to admit it.

That being said, it's also okay to want something better/more humane/kinder/community-driven system.

Or does the claim that capitalism is perfect hold any weight or sense? why would it be the perfect, ultimate econ system?

| If it's not perfect, then why would it be wrong to wish for something better than capitalism?

| >>440dc6
cope, you are a brainwashed bigot who have to lie about your real intentions because you know that your opinions are irrational and rooted in fear

| Why does anyone care? It's just a game jam theme. Anyone who thinks they're doing an anticapitalist by participating in it anyway is just a fly stuck in honey anyhow.

It's like getting upset about someone supporting turkey in the foosball.

| >>1017855
Nah these people are real threats to capitalism. Sure, they might be making games today, but that keeps the movement fun for them, and keeps em amped up, more sure of themselves and networking. I don’t know how they’ll kill it, but when they do, you’re going to be seeing the same names and faces we see today standing over its body.

Also many bozos in Turkey not a scholarly place would not recommend, though some good people too of course.

| Always the Venus project

| >>1017862
imagine living in fear of a gamejam theme ...............

| >>1018002
JUSTIFIED fear g/u/rl. They nazi special forces climbed a mountain during an offensive as a hobby, angering Hitler according to my Marc Felton productions videos. Know why? They bonded doing mountain climbing before the war.

These people will seize control of the government before our very eyes while making games on the side. Hobbies are political. Look up the alt right pipeline. This stuff is NO GAME

| >>1018052 LMAO

Total number of posts: 33, last modified on: Tue Jan 1 00:00:00 1719680886

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