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is it okay to sit on the toilet all day?

| am I a genius? you're recovering few minutes and I can also put a small refrigerator beside

| I’ve thought about this too! My idea was like a mobile toilet with a sliding retractable airtight door for shitting, and wheels, a desk, computer, etc.

| you'll get lower back problems, as with any other type of sitting
if you flush often enough though i don't see any other issue

| Only if it's skibidi

| You'll get back problems and won't be able to hold a shit anymore

| just use a shit bucket
it's required equipment to properly play Battlefield

| Don’t eat where you poop :s

| >>1017265
Apparently fecal transplants are actually really good for you so maybe do so long as it’s fresh?

| >>1017294 straight from the source
I think there were two girls who did it

| >>1017479 bet it'd be cool to use a slag for it, maybe something involing the sort of "plate" used for desserts?

| Good news everyone! It's a supossitory.

| >>1017265 I agree :s do you want join our conservation party for traditional family? we also ban eating in room where poop or bringing desks or spend there whole day

Total number of posts: 12, last modified on: Tue Jan 1 00:00:00 1719249619

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