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day 3 old music media

| I'm not thaaat old, but I quite like older music players like cassette tapes, and vinyls. I have been looking for a modern GOOD Walkman but I really can't find anything. Are they that unpopular? I got into vinyls because of my great grandpa, I got all his stuff from the 60-90s when he passed and I love listening to em to remember him. Do yall still use old forms of media? If so tell me about it -poppy

| I tend to just use digital these days, but have a large CD collection thanks to my music-loving dad, and use those sometimes. I don't consider CDs very old, but I think these days they're starting to be considered as such...

Incidentally my most used CDs are those for the Valhalla OST, which makes for great study music. Playing music via CDs while studying is nice as it prevents the distractions that'd come from having a computer or phone on to play the music.

| Anything after 1900s is too modern for my taste, I prefer watching live noh performance right in my leisure hall with my mistresses.


| Ohh no, i thought signatures left away

| >>1017025 that sounds pretty cool, I wanna do that with my mistress

Total number of posts: 5, last modified on: Fri Jan 1 00:00:00 1718853272

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