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| my full legal name is: Roșca Giovanni
my address is: Bonțida (Bonțida), Ulița Mare, 561
my phone number is: +40 773343879
my legal gender is: male
my place of birth is: Italy, Ravenna

| oh im 16
born 2008-05-25

| >my legal gender is: male

dick pic or gtfo, I don't care if you're underaged

| No middle name? You should get one. Make it something cool, too, like "Funkmeister."

| >people born 2008 are 16
Fuck I'm old...

| >>1016756 i will not let You tell me what to do!, random stranger on the internet
although if i was just slightly lower inhib i probably would

| >>1016761 If it makes you feel any better, people born in 2009 are 15.

| >>1016766 another hoe trying to get gurl attention by pretending to be male euhg

| >>1016771 https://simplex.chat/contact#/?v=2-5&smp=smp%3A%2F%2FSkIkI6EPd2D63F4xFKfHk7I1UGZVNn6k1QWZ5rcyr6w%3D%40smp9.simplex.im%2F2gWiB8t0x_5lLUF5THeR8xPweWfhgKiq%23%2F%3Fv%3D1-2%26dh%3DMCowBQYDK2VuAyEArDFYQqlwHX23QZJtwGbVz3oAKECMrx6xa8VTbkmoLws%253D%26srv%3Djssqzccmrcws6bhmn77vgmhfjmhwlyr3u7puw4erkyoosywgl67slqqd.onion

| Why are you italian?

| Is your skin colored of shit?

| >>1016769 I'm not sure how to feel about this

| >>1016761 stab me multiple times please, i didn't believe it. i believed 2000 are early adult or something

| The 80s was 20 years ago today

| the 60s was 20 years ago today too time flies

| >>1016939 >>1016958
That's fucked.......

| >>1016751 Hi "Roșca Giovanni
my address is: Bonțida (Bonțida), Ulița Mare, 561
my phone number is: +40 773343879
my legal gender is: male
my place of birth is: Italy, Ravenna", I'm dad! :D

| >>1016983 >male
Dick pic or gtfo

Total number of posts: 18, last modified on: Wed Jan 1 00:00:00 1718844521

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