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maybe I'll be a bartender

| because I've gotten into financial debt it seems my NEET life is coming to an end, haha funny
and now I'm going to suffer from my job, working...
since I played va-11 hall-a a few years ago and I'm retarded enough to make it part of my identity I figured for myself that I'd try bartending
Tomorrow if I can get over my social anxiety I'm gonna call the employer I guess

| Good luck!

Make sure not to accidentally become a batrender instead. You can only make so much money peddling 3D models of bats.

| Another fallen NEET. What a sad day

| >>1016740 You better say "Time to mix drinks and save lives" at the start of your workday

| Hope u do well g/u/rl!! (*^‿^*)

| >>1016748 lmao I'll say it at the beginning of every shift
I'm also scared, I don't even know what I'm going to say to my employer on the phone tomorrow
"Hi, I saw your ad and I'd like at your bar?" or smth

| >>1016770
Hi, I’m a bartender, and it’s time to mix drinks and save lives. Be like that 4channer who got 2 girlfriends and a huge life by becoming the driver!

| >>1016770 willingness and constancy are probly your best selling traits I'd assume, go get your waifu bartending job!

| Good luck, bro!

| Gurls, gurls, another one!

| Akso kek, now the banner at the top of the page is BTC Recipe book
Welcome back, Jill

| >>1016745 i feel depressed ;-;

| Awwww sending hugs. What do you like depressed kun? When did you last laugh with joy?

| >>1016881 what if my hikki life ended also? ;-;

| >>1017014 I believe in you gurl, keep on NEETing, do not care about what other say

| >>1017030 *hugs you* what if i will be forced to work? Today i have important uni exam btw

| maybe

but not yet

| update, OP's here.

god i was so scared at the interview but as it turns out it's not that bad in fact it was pretty damn chill. i'm going out on monday for a one day internship to see if I like working for them or not and then i'll be officially here

| I don't know how I would work for them, considering I went home tired after just one interview and went to bed for a couple of hours straight

| You get used to it, the more you do it the more stamina you build too.

You did it! You got this!!
Don't worry too much, stay focused and you'll get the hang of it!

| A Jill in the making

| >>774189 Nice one OP, good luck with your new job g/u/rl.

| Yaaaaaay!!!! I’m smiling rn

| >>1017178 hi, smiling rn, I'm dad

| now I want anxious bartender in my city

| >>1017232 waiting for u in Kiev
I'm like bocchi fr fr

| I guess after I work my shift on monday I'll write up a post how it went

| >>1017240
Hype hype hype can I have a job too if you find another?

| >>774189 We will be waiting, excitedly.

| >>1017240
It's time to mix lives and change drinks!

| congratulations !!

Total number of posts: 32, last modified on: Sat Jan 1 00:00:00 1718985239

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