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I took my personal journal with me to work and I forgot to bring it back.

| I don't remember where I kept it. Either I'll find it at a few locations that I think I might've left it, or I'll never get it back. I'm fucked up if it goes into someone's hands and finds out all the passive aggressive things that I've written about my boss and how much I hate my job and the people I meet every day.

| You seem to have fallen into some sort of drama plot. See to it that, even if it ends poorly, you get into some wacky and amusing antics along the way.

| more like black-mail corruption cross-dress plot to me

| Maybe get one with a lock but that’s a bitch isn’t it. Or just keep it in your jacket or something like that at all times in the future.

Pay whoever finds it in sex

| should've made it digital and backup it once every month
why even bothering with having the chance to lose it?

| >>1016538
Digital writing is hard though.

| Digital writing is not secure, tho

| It's been a few days, op. Update us on what happened to the journal! Did you get blackmailed? Did a cute girl pick it up and return to you?

| >>1016638 I keep my journal digital. Find it quicker to type, and it's nice being able to search for words.

| >>1016685 Uh oh.

| >>1016743 don't worry g/u/rl>>1016685 is a retard. There's literally no extra security risk to keeping a journal in some txt file on your PC. It literally has the same "risk" as a physical one (i.e. someone stealing it by hacking your pc/ someone stealing it by breaking into your home. Both super unlikely to happen)

| >>1016747 uh oh.

| >>1016685 Stop having a problem with it and get good.
>>1016685 Is this some sort of rumor you came up on spot?

| How many bjs are you willing to do to get it back op?

| >>1016747 Splendid.

Total number of posts: 15, last modified on: Sun Jan 1 00:00:00 1718835511

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