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Never been on a party b4

| I want to go one at my local uni tf do I do g/u/rls?
I've got zero friends, never had a gf, getting close to 24, but I look alright, hygiene clothes etc etc
but tf do I do?
like just approach people or go straight to the bathroom to rub one out listening to others fuck?
gurl tf how does one find friends on parties gurls halp

| same same

| I went to a party once. Chatted a little, drank a little. It was mid but nice to do something new always.
Same age just about and last year of undergrad myself if you want to post general region it would be funny if we were close. Central east coast of USA here.
What about making your own party? Homebrew some booze, tell some people, set up some speakers with Miku music, maybe some activities like a laptop playing anime or axe throwing?
What I’d like to do is sing with others hmmm

| I dunno, you sound pretty neurotic so might be better joining a club or hobby with other people.

| >>1016404 ok tbh indoor axe throwing competition sounds kinda dangerous when alc is involved lol
but I'm from Germany so we are a bit further away from each other physically but I am currently non consensually touching you with my thoughts gurl no worries.
But I'll try chatting.
In Uni most chat about like clubs, relationships, and drinking games and I know nothing about those things so I guess I'll just have to hope I'm lucky :/

| Free experience, go for it. You will probably get a good story out of this

| The trick is to arrive already drunk,kinda hard when you don't have few friends to have pre-party with

Total number of posts: 7, last modified on: Sun Jan 1 00:00:00 1718631815

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