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the forest of love

| Why this movie have bad rating?

It's honestly one of my favorite movies, i feel surprised it's have less than 8/10

If you saw movie, what is your opinion?

| Never heard of it.
What's it about?

| >>1016691 i would say compilation of Sion Sono movies, poetic, surreal, bizzare, psychologic, romantic, suicidal, abstract, gore, investigative and somehow compilated or how describe it. I realy love this mix

| Maybe something as wayward cloud but it's also unknown movie I'm worrying

| internet describe his creation as ero guro nansensu, but honestly i disagree. I think characters are there mostly innocent, gore happens there but it's caused by situation and don't have erotic context over it that there is erotic too. But they are splitted as 2 various events.. for example I don't like ero guro nansensu

| I just read this from one museum website, and over that i wasn't thinking about it, i can fully agree about it: "Sono elegantly crafts together stories of cults, horror, and violence with themes like individual alienation, the desperate desire for love, and the often-brutal reality of life in contemporary society. In his work, Sono continues to break down the marginalization of genre films by poetically revealing the human heart that beats underneath.". I don't think horror is ther

| e but may some people can see unusual things as horror

| It's reminding me that he is accused from sexual assault.. if i can be honest, I don't know what think about it and I'm maybe somehow ignoring it. But i really like his movies.

Total number of posts: 8, last modified on: Thu Jan 1 00:00:00 1718686184

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