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Unpopular opinion: the progress pride flag sucks

| To preface: homophobes/transphobes fuck outta here

The progress pride flag (with the chevrons) sucks in two ways:

1.) It’s fugly as hell: there’s no less than 13 colors on that bitch. My inner vexillology nerd is killing me - that shit is waaaay too busy. The rainbow flag gets the point across without being too complex.

2.) Design and symbology wise it’s kinda problematic. A good flag doesn’t get its meaning from the symbols on it - it IS a symbol that we project meaning onto.

| By demarcating smaller and smaller groups it kinda implies that these are the in-group that matters to the movement, and everyone else is less important. That probably wasn’t the designer’s intent, but intentional or not that is what it says.

| The rainbow flag makes a lot of sense for the movement as it’s literally the colors of visible light - whatever you identify as, it signals there’s a place for you. The progress flag ends up being more exclusive by trying to slap on every group’s colors. There’s just not enough room to get every sub-group on a rectangular piece of cloth - that’s why just slapping a rainbow on a flag as a catch-all works so well.

Anyway, happy pride month, whichever flag you fly! <3

| >claims to study flags
>including the symbolism and usage of flags (literal wikipedia defintiion)

it was never about unity, dipshit
t. a proud woman enjoyer

| I'm so glad I'm normal

| >>11f0db you are in danger/u/.

| >>1016338 this is about the site btw not a threat

| >>1016338 and my g/u/rl dick is in your mouth *fucks your mouth*

| stupid bait, but at least it's not obvious to anyone who's never had this argument before, 4/10

| bait as it may seem to some, if this person is serious then i see it

ive found it kinda silly that the flag **needs** to change to reflect the broadening diversity of a group, and im a fan of silly but it can get out of hand

| >>1016343
I'd bump it up to a 5/10 for the way it's written tbh. The last line especially helps sell it without being fully too much, just perfectly edging the line

| >>1016363 5/10 is actually the highest score bait can earn and i don't think this is maximized

| >>1016364
When you put it that way, I agree actually. Very good point g/u/rl

| 5/10.. omg this is the best score I ever gotten in my life *wiped my tears* thanks you so much pride flag community.. idk why anyone would be into flag, but you gurl alright :3

| i agree, german flag better

| I've never heard of this progress flag before so I'm gonna trust you on this, op.

>The rainbow flag makes a lot of sense for the movement as it’s literally the colors of visible light - whatever you identify as, it signals there’s a place for you.
Yeah, I like this about it. It's not the specific color that matters, but the idea of the rainbow.

| They should just make the rainbow flag an actual rainbow with imperceptible gradient in colors instead of lines. Surely there’s printing tech to do that yeah?

| Rainbow flag was fine, as a universal for people who deviate from the norm. Instead of endless subdivision that look like marketing criteria.

For me anyway, just in terms of taste.

But the idea that anyone, in either direction will look at someone else's flag and be like.

>Keep up with the times biggot

Makes me want to sewer slide into some yeezies.

| I agree with OP
Specially since I'll add my opinion and ask:
Why the fuck does the progress flag included brown and black colors to represent other races? What the fuck does race has to do with the lgbtq+??? It's nonsense.

Disclaimer: I support the lgbtq+ movement, and I will always support it.

But really! Please remove races from the fucking flag!!

| Cause they’re gay.
It’s kinda funny though to put the most aggressively homophonic races on the gay pride flag. I hope they add russia and chrisitanity next.

Total number of posts: 20, last modified on: Thu Jan 1 00:00:00 1718668415

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