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Any real upsides to autism?

| Not a big deal for me but it feels like I'm not always on the sane wavelength as some of my friends. I wanna know what's cool.

| in general, you get a bit of logical-mathematical intelligence as a trade for a lot of interpersonal intelligence
which is a really a trait that should have been bred out, considering interpersonal intelligence is why we ever got out of africa
bad deal, i recommend the rope

| >>1016230 help im autistic and how do i access the logical-mathematical intelligence

| >>1016259 have you tried opening the menu tab and check the skill tree? You might be having some extra point unused, sometimes the game doesn't upgrades you automatically.
If you find some issue with the UI, try turning the game off and on again.

| If you're a girl you're more fuckable if not...

| Nah not really, it's like playing dark souls and not being able to roll.

| Hyperfocus is nice I guess

| If you hit the lottery and ur special interest is profitable it makes working real ez

| Having genuine integrity is a big plus

| Autistic people tend to be loyal to their goals, not to individuals, and can distinguish between fact and person in a way that others may not. They often cannot understand why their behavior is not considered correct in a society like ours. They possess true integrity and therefore can be difficult to control.

| >>1016312
Eh. This is a very romanticised view of it. The "strong sense of justice" thing is definitely real, but like, some people are just kinda fucking stupid, yk? Some autistic people will just blindly listen to some braindead bs and make that their core. There's a reason why we have people like Elon Musk who go for the "misunderstood genius" persona when they're actually just, like, dumb af and confused. Develop a complex from it instead of having integrity. Golden child shit

| But it's true it can be a big strength for some though. Like, I agree with what you're saying, I just think it can be double sided

That's basically my take for this whole question tbh. There's parts of autism that can be "upsides", but those also have downsides
Sound sensitivity is great for hearing things well, but also fries your brain
Boosted pattern recognition can be beneficial to some things, but will probably also make you depressed and ostracized

| all i read here was "autism" and thats a lot of fuckin words above me that im not gonna read

all i know is that my autism unlocked some immense tetris skill

otherwise i dont pay enough attention

| I don't have autism

| >>1016228 autism gives you the craziest rizz. But only to other autists.

| >>1016562 very very true

Having autism makes you good at obsessing over stuff and learning wayyy to much about it, it's good at making you a jack of all trades master of none, and, ur mom

| >>1016562
Idk what it is but every single person in my life has ADHD. Like, everyone who fucks with me, everyone I'm friends with, my wife, like, without exception
My autism is an ADHD magnet and I got no explanation for it, but I definitely won't complain
They make life a lot more interesting, they don't really play the same games as neurotypicals, they can translate allistic speak to me, it's like a perfect symbiotic relationship
This is the one real upside to autism

| +10 microplastic resistance

| I almost forgot about this thread thanks for all the feedback g/u/rls!!!!! Luv u!!!!!!!

| >>1016792
Mwah! Kiss (but not in an overstimulating way)

| We can take things literal and talk straight-forward. That's the biggest upside. When you're not autistic, you have a hard time listening and read between lines that don't exist. It's a disability worse than autism. Some will say "most human communication is non-verbal", but I don't believe that. Try explaining to me the artistic depth of Killer7 with nothing but non-verbal cues.

| >>1016834
I could do it mime mode but I haven’t seen it.

| >>8f0106 I think when they say non verbal they mean interpersonally and the subtext of what someone is saying.

The most enjoyable parts of conversation is very often the things that are not said.

| >>1016908 Sounds weird to me. Plus, people can't use subtext for every thing. I certainly use it with close friends. But strangers who have their own imaginary social norms different from others, that's asking for confusion and trouble. That's why it's best to be completely blunt without any weird game of "guess what I'm saying"

| >>1016944
Mirror neurons are a thing though.

| >>1016946 yeah, I know. But you can't read minds with mirror neurons. You can tell basic things like happiness and pain, but not actual communication without getting to know people. Otherwise, language barriers and cultural differences wouldn't be confusing.

| >>1016948
mirror neurons are LITERALLY for reading minds they just pick up the happiness and pain and things nearbye using empathy and consent.

| >>1016956 Then explain why people don't use mirror neurons to read an autistic person. There's always miscommunication even when someone autistic is speaking their mind.

| >>1016973
Autistic people don't consent so they don't have moral value, which causes us empaths to not be able to feel them.

| >>1017055 bitch tf you mean they don't consent???

| >>1017055 That is both awful and not true. We fo have morals, some of us feel more empathy for others than people who are not autistic. We understand consent. We can learn boundaries while setting our own. I cry when I see someone suffer. Clearly the one without empathy is you. Fuck you, you assume the worst out of us.

| My fellow retards in here, the fuck are you doing entertaining that shit lol

| >>1016973
I was under the impression that autistic people were lacking in mirror neurons but after reading up on the subject I found out that there's no scientific basis for this statement at all.
It's simply something that has been repeated over and over until people started to believe it.

Apparently we have just as many working mirror neurons as neuronormies.

| >>1017059
Based : ) don’t let bullshit words push you around.

Autism is a big box different things get thrown into. You should break it down into specific traits if you want to say something meaningful.

The mirror neuron shit was yeah probably bullshit, much of neuroscience is trying to look good, but not applied to create different neural systems ie: not scientific or real.
empathy is the same- spend time on those and what you love and manage traits which hold you back

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