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i want to be miku

| i just want to sing all day and be an electronic g/u/rl :3

| I want the miku Hatsune TF too lets start a movement to make it real

| Something something ooweeoo.

| Let’s sing Miku songs then! Maybe someone with computer skills could make an ai headset where we can barely hear ourselves and it turns our voice into miku, and we can look down and see our miku body!

| Vrrrr chat

| I need a FJ from hatsune miku...

| i need to eat mikus pussy while she pisses in my mouth

| Aight straight to the point

| So do it.
Dress like Miku, get in shape like Miku, learn how to sing like Miku, and then look in the mirror and you'll be her

| https://youtu.be/xetSFt4BuFw?si=KeJcOmAo7Av6aDbt

| Sadistic music factory

| Sorry, I already called dibs on being Miku.

Total number of posts: 12, last modified on: Fri Jan 1 00:00:00 1718259272

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