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Cat girl gf

| Everyone wants one but they never understand how much work they really are

*cutely pukes hairball on ur carpet*

| Just get a cat boomer gf instead

| evewynyan wants catguwl gf untiw they see hew catpebis ówò

| I think we could save a lot of time and money if we just abbreviated it as "cat gf."

| Cat gf, vewy nice

| >>1015815 some wants become needs as more information is gathered

| meow meow

| meow... meow :3c

| Woof.

| >>1015886 D:

| Fox gurl where it's at

| >>1015901 I standby this statement.

| Monster girls ONLY

| >>1015813 honestly this

| I love holo.

I think the real problem is even if you had a cat gf she’d probably be a standoffish cat who wasn’t loyal to you, given the cats I’ve known. Catgirls are almost more girlish than ordinary girls in their sweetness, rather than more catfish, the cat part is pretty much aesthetic.

| Manosphere content in an alternate reality:

| >>1015975
I’m going to start my own manosphere blog right here on this site g/u/rl and get rich!!

| >>1015955
I heard a rumor that Stella is secretly Mega Santa.

| >>1016033 Mega Santa and a cat boomer? She is perfect!

| >>1016022
Oh god what have I done

| I don't know why the catgirls that I see outside randomly piss on things like flower pots, walls, fencings, etc.

| >>991671 >>991671 cat boomer cat boomer

| foxgirls are fun
they chew on me and randomly scream

| >>1016130
It's the best <3

| >>1016130 i love dominant kitsunes who dom me~ i'm cat person btw~ Nyaaa~ :3

| vrchat.png

Total number of posts: 26, last modified on: Sat Jan 1 00:00:00 1718426698

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