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send post break up tips

| hey gulrs, just got dumped, any advice to get over them?

| I have a friend who once developed a temporary obsession with pterodactyls after his girlfriend at the time dumped him. I dunno how well it really worked for him, but it could be worth a shot.

| get like weirdly obsessed with the roman empire and "real leaders" for 2 months, then realize "wtf am i doing"

after which you should become a frequent patron of the arts/alcoholic at late-night jazz bars before getting hit by some fucking drunk prep kid's jeep and spending 15k on fixing the fractures

| >>1015106 this is good but id offer also spinosaurus, little is known about it so every new discovery is a huge breakthrough. exciting.

| Have sex and have fun.

| Cry

| >>1015129 valid! like, actually! its okay to cry, and sometimes it can clear your head now that you let your sadness manifest

so don't be afraid to let the waterworks loose, its okay! everything will turn out alright as your emotions find themselves stabilizing and you start to move on.

| elona

| >>1015131 exactly! Though I think you said it better :p

| >>1015110 Dibs on being that prep kid. I'll start saving for a jeep now.

| Cope however you know best
Take time off time for plenty of rest
Talk with friends, play some games
It'll take time to heal the pain

| Replay VA-11 Hall-A.

| man I wish someone would break up with me
the feeling of pain knowing one is able to be loved must be like heaven

| >>1015157
Step 1. to get a girlfriend or boyfriend: Stop talking like that.

| Doing a plank for 5min will make you forget about the entire universe for a while

| >>1015156 +1

| >>1015156 +2

| >>1015156 +3

| >>1015156 I just hold down skip until they let me mix liquid and buy stuff

| >>1015246
G/u/rl, you're supposed to mix drinks AND change lives...

| G/u/rl you’re supposed to mix gas and slap ass. Where’s your 2 stroke mud encrusted rocket of bravado and glory?

| Try not distracting yourself. It's pointless anyway. If the thing meant something to you, your mind won't let you forget about it ending easily.

Instead, try to remind yourself of the things you had no responsibility for, but wished would've been different. Being dumped often has the aftereffect of us idealizing the situation we were previously in, so try to break that image, first thing. Second thing, try to see the reason for the breakup as something to work on yourself for.

Total number of posts: 22, last modified on: Fri Jan 1 00:00:00 1717578917

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