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| you mean an id with all numbers? and it's not even that rare retard, i've seen multiple ids with only numbers in them for many many times, so it doesn't work like you think it does. sorry not sorry for breaking it to you :D

| Is OP genuinely okay?

| >>1014623 >t. OP on proxy

| sometimes OP forgets to switch proxies when she talks to herself

| Somebody hasn't been switching ips

| Actually not that rare smh, have 6 same character/number is the real shit

| These are the threads I bother going online for!

| Have you ever gotten a post number without any letters though? Now THAT'S rare!

| Op stop being toxic to yourself there are better ways to cope with your feelings

| Nigger shut up

| >>1014619 HAHA loooooool OP totally gets it, imagine being so absurdly lucky to get a letters only id, there are like a lot of numbers but you only have 26 letters! xD What are the odds ?.? Anyone can bring an abacus and make some geometry happen? :P
OP is,like, a genius you have to be good at waking up the right day to get a specific ID, badass af!☆-☆
Like, imagine having to think about 365 days all your life along, AND you have to manage your piss meter at the same time! ^∇^

| i have only letters

| fuck

| check this id

| lettergang

| They call me letterman

| >>1014816 oh yeah? Show us your cock then

| hey op, can my inner voices go on a play date with yours? mine has been eager to meet you for a while now

Total number of posts: 19, last modified on: Sun Jan 1 00:00:00 1717124930

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