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I hate bugs fuck bugs all my homies kill bugs

| Saw a giant centipede on my wall near my bed at like 4am... I didn't sleep at all, I vacuumed it up at the cost of my sanity

| I killed at least 4 centipede a month with a sword

| bugs suck!

| you vill eat ze buggs.

| I had a bed bug infestation back when I was living with my parents. Bad. Sleeping was a trial of ignoring the dozens of little legs exploring your body in ways you don't like. I'm glad I seeked therapy after moving out though, because it made me realize how insane it drove me.

I would take a sewing needle and stab them as center-mass as I could, one by one, creating a kebab. I would then poke them into the corners of my bed, creating totems of dead bugs as a sign to the rest.

| To anyone else around dealing with bed bugs;
Don't get bug sprays. Get Dietematious Earth. It's a life-safe powder that can be lightly spread around your place that acts as what I can only describe as bed bug minefields.

The dirt gets stuck to them and, because it's so dry, literally dehydrates and kills them. Does nothing to you or pets though.

Spread that shit around and start sleeping with a few less friends after a couple days. Or don't. Whore.

| Fuck bugs? I'm on it boss!

Total number of posts: 7, last modified on: Sat Jan 1 00:00:00 1715462574

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