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How often do you get your hair cut?

| I tend to let my hair get long and messy because I'm lazy so I normally get it cut maybe 3 times a year.

| Well I go to make a cut professionally like once in 4-6 months, but cut the hair myself with scissors&electric shaver every 1-2 months when it starts getting onto the top of my ears

| As often as my college requires it (which is usually never cuz they let me get away with really long hair so long as i tie/hold it up and out of my face with a scrunchie and hairband or something)

| >I tend to let my hair get long and messy
>3 times a year
I... I guess your definition of long and messy is different from mine? Or does your hair just grow fast?

I usually get it cut just once a year. I have it cut until about my neck, a bit under my ear, and by the time I get it cut again it's usually down my shoulders.

| Maybe every couple years

| I get a haircut usually once in 1-2 years lmao
my hair is a long blob of mess but I don't really care.

| cut wrists not hairs ! !

| I haven't cut it in 3 years so idk, I still wanna grow it out

| Тред ёбаных чуханов бля

| >>1013159 Действительно, не стричься 3 года.. пиздец

| Aside from edge trims for job interviews, I haven't gotten my hair cut in 6 years.

| i havent gotten a proper hair cut in 10 years.

| Its been maybe a year or so since I’ve gotten a cut. I like my long curly hair :3

| Once per month by my beloved parents. Never give money to strangers.

| >>1013234 *gives your money to herself*
get fucked bozo

| >>1013234 based, if I could I would cut my hair by myself...

| I don't

| >>1013203
Are you me? I'm the exact same! Aside from job interviews I haven't gotten a hair cut since 2018.

However, just a few days ago a former vocational university classmate sent me a picture from day one of class and I got suprised at how good my hair looked back then, so I've been thinking of getting the same haircut once more.

| No cute hairdresser gf to shave me and save me some money feels bad

| >>1013260
Do another economic activity for those you love instead! You also don’t need to love them yet, these things grow if the basic foundation is there. Consider that the imaginary spirit of the cute and useful hairdresser was inside you all along.
Also booooo to the game this board is based on. Alcohol is bad for you. If I’d been in that game, I would have simply been a doctor or something and made everything better. (I don’t improve the world in real life as a clever prank)

| a doctor in glitch city? they're just looking to get robbed for someone's high

Total number of posts: 21, last modified on: Wed Jan 1 00:00:00 1715661400

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