Are you more nice/rude in real life or vice versa?

| I'm like 1000% nicer in real life than on the internet. Probably because "trolls" and toxic people are easier to handle face to face. What about yous?

| My approach is be nice whenever you can, making no distinction if online or not, but take no shit. The minute someone thinks I'll put up with sass, I confess I have not the mental resilience to answer in a way not alike "listen here you degenerate son of your bitch mother, I have patience for many things, but (insert warning here)".

The fact that I look like Dracula with scars on my face helps not, either.

| I act more or less the same irl and online, but I'm probably more "rude" online due to not allowing people who want to hurt me into my irl life. Online I never really block or anything and everything here is an open forum, so people who view me as inferior try pulling shit all the time, and I will never be "nice" to those people. I'll be fair to them, but not polite

| >>1011751 based

| In any formal situation, I was taught to be polite.
Non formal I can be a little gremlin

| Rude only if I'm with people I trust. It's not worth risking drama most of the time

| >>1011753 >>1011779 kinda this

| Always be nice.
Even when I'm in my car and someone cuts me off I like to imagine that they are having a shitty day or that their wife is in labor or that their dad just died or... And then I forgive.
I feel like using public transport on a daily basis shaped my understand of society and the people living inside of it. I love all of them dearly.


>>1011777 yeah pretty much this
code switching is literally something I probably do on an unconscious level at this point.

| Being nice is nicer.

| >>1011959 *ruders you*

| >>1012003 *rudes your mouth*

| For me, it depends on the site I'm in.
"In Rome do as the romans do" is soemthing I take quite seriously and as a way of life.

For example:

On reddit I'm very nice, polite, civilized, and I try my best to not offend anyone.
On 4chan, I get sassier, more troll-like, more sarcastic, and much more edgier. (While still being nice)
On Youtube, I rarely comment and I act more neutral

On danger/u/, I'm just your average funny, quirky, casually pro-incest, g/u/rl! :p

| >>1012034
>do as the romans do
>describes behavior almost opposite of typical redditors

| >>1012036 eh.. generally they try to be polite or appear as "civilized"
However it differs a lot depending on which subreddit you are

Of course, if you say an unpopular opinion, a "normie society non-approved" opinion, you're going to get death threats/insults/downvotes/harassment, etc. The whole bag.

| I suck cocks in vrchat and irl, so I think I'm pretty nice

| >>1012068 my sister in dialga, how do you apply suction over ethernet

| >>1012070 let me show ya
*fucks your mouth*

| >>1012070 it's 3d masturbation

| I post like a schizo online but effortpost when I'm mentally sober. I don't mince words and go for the jugular if something annoys me. I act like this irl too. Probably why I have no friends.

| I'm usually a lot nicer online than in real life, not because I'm ruder IRL, but because I'm too introverted and socially inept to be as nice and kind as I want to be in real life.

Since I can't do that yet irl, I usually just try to channel being nice in my online interactions instead. I'm still pretty much an introvert but I've found a lot of real friends and bonds over the years just from being kind and nice and caring online.

(One day I hope I can extend that to my irl too)

| def online, outside people scare me

Total number of posts: 22, last modified on: Tue Jan 1 00:00:00 1714485118
