how smart is a bug

| i've been waking up most mornings to a stink bug taking a walk by my head and I've been starting to suspect it's the same one. I either snap it away or put it outside, but it comes back every single time. Has it grown attached to me or should I be worried

| they are attracted to stink. go wash behind your ears.

| That's CIA's bug

| op pls do not snap away cias bug its vry expensive

| don't care about bugs in general but beetles are absolutely EPIC

| >>1011346 remember that time the cia tried to but microphones in cats? i do.

| A soldier on patrol ('-')7

| If it's a brown marmorated stink bug in the us please kill it they are invasive and do massive amounts of crop damage every year

They like to hide in houses when it's cold out to shelter through the winter, they suck juice from fruits and leave big brown spots on them so it won't bite you or anything but their stink chemical can leave a minor chemical burn on you

| >>1011394 very sad but to be fair they also bypassed it's desire for food so it probably would have starved anyway

| You have to eat ze bug

Total number of posts: 10, last modified on: Fri Jan 1 00:00:00 1713301745

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