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japenis culture best

| grrrr jappan ???????? is best country in teh world (sekai) !!!!????????!!!????????!!!!! west bAd grrrgghhhg japenis culture⛩???????? better than amrican????????????!!! (>~<) vendor machine eveywhere ????and sakura trees are so ???? a e s t h e t i c ???? UwU if u hate it then your NOT a man of culture so shinē!!! ~hmph baka -_- ????

| gurl-san I love you(daisuki)! please be my gurlfriend(kanojo) desu!

| Узкоглазые пидорасы, когда мой новый ксяоми ми 1337 придëт??????

| >>1010784 Эй, это грубо>:(

| japanese goblin

| >>1011086
low tension?

| >>1011090
the goblins are reclining

| Brown, beige, olive Onis and more.

Total number of posts: 8, last modified on: Sat Jan 1 00:00:00 1712861127

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