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Chat I need your advice

| I think I have a crush on a g/u/rl, but she is

- asexual
- also the sister of one of my good friends

I talk to her online occasionally, and ive met her in person a few times. Our conversations are usually pretty fun and i'd like to get to know her more. She's a bit mysterious and shy though so even if not for the above factors, I dunno if anything would click.

I'm fine being friends, but I'd be super cute to go on a date. Don't want to ruin any relationships in the process.

| if you're not ace yourself, don't date ace creatures

do not

i strongly advise you

| > creatures

Lmao. Probably good advice.

What confuses me though is that her twitter feed is just 80% anime boys making out. Not super knowledgeable about sexualities in general so I find it kinda confusing.

| 100% do not date ace if you aren't ace. You are setting yourself up for so much frustration and incompatibility

| If you can live without any sex, ever, forever never ever, then sure go for it

| have you tried to date your good friend first?

| Already has a very nice BF. Only other person I vaguely have a crush on is in a different country, and im not doing a long distance relationship sadly.

Maybe its time I try guys, g/u/rls

| If she have time to spend on worthless self labeling, she's already not worth it.

Friend's sister is a big plus tho

| I don't get the ace hate in here. As much as I enjoy it, sex is overrated. Genuine love is worth way more, and people who are ace or got low sex drive usually care about love and having a healing, healthy relationship a lot more than others (at least from my personal experiences with them)

Also, plenty ace people do get their partners off. It's common. A lot of ace people ik are very interested in sexual stuff despite not being necessarily turned on by it or feeling it like others

| The sister of a friend thing does seem like it could cause some issues though, for sure. Idk the relationship between you and that friend so can't give advice on that
If you've got feelings for her though then definitely shouldn't let the ace part stop you. I'm low-key hypersexual, 24/7 horny, genuinely a straight up slut, but despite that my life is currently the best it's ever been thanks to the relationship I'm in with someone who's barely got any sex drive at all

| >>1010652

Yeah I was more worried about that TBH. Not too sure what this friend would think and i'm very very bad at asking people out or even just implying anything.

Asexuality may or may not be a compatibility problem down the line, but going on a few dates and then realizing we are or aren't compatible seems like a lesser problem compared to being actually murdered by my friend.

| Not to mention, i'm pretty bad at reading the room. And so is this person. I don't know if she'd say yes regardless, and I do like her as a friend you know.

| >>1010652

Also strangely you sound like the friend in question... You didn't happen to just move into an apartment yea?

| >>1010651 ace/aro people are incapable of love, sorry buddy them's the breaks

| As someone who is ace, please don't listen to these people saying you shouldn't try to date her. I might not get anything out of sex but I can get my partner off. He can love me back in other ways. Simple as.

And I honestly don't see why her being your friend's sister would be a problem. Is your friend overprotective or something? She's her own woman.

| as someone who is dating an ace, while i understand my sample size is low, she the most caring creature on the planet

keyword; creature

| >>1010658 being ace doesn't make you automatically aro. In fact, many ace folk are still very romantically inclined. And vice versa.

| You can date someone ace while not being one yourself, but keep in mind what that means.
I'd suggest you just become ftiends with her first, and later on try to go on a date. Worst case scenario she says nah and you two would still be friends.

| >>1010676

Ive known her for about a year, so we are friends ish - shes a bit shy (as am i) but we have been have been talking more.

| >>1010669

Thanks for the input.

> And I honestly don't see why her being your friend's sister would be a problem. Is your friend overprotective or something? She's her own woman.

Its just that they are really close and I'm not good at judging situations like this you know. Don't want to come out of left field and blindside my friend or her sister.

| >>1010657
Ig it falls under apartment, but the move wasn't recent and my only sister is a child

| >>101687

Nah, would have been a crazy coincidence though

| >>1010679
Well as long your friend doesn't hate you and you're not trying to hide anything, it really shouldn't be a problem. Might even be easier for them if they already trust you.

| >>1010613
forget about her OP. you'll not be able to change her mind to have sex with you.

| Lonely mfs be like:
>Women are worthless as anything other than a talking fleshlight
then wonder why they get no bitches lmao

| >>1010733 not dating asd/sexually traumatized bitches is selfcare, but pop off bestie

| >>1010733 facts. those sigmas are above sleeping with impersonal whores for "fun".

| Take my advice. Get out of Riften as soon as you can.

| Solid advice.

| Solid Snake

| No! That is NOT Solid Snake!

| >>1010760 also get the fuck out of Markath! The whole place is cursed to the very stone

| >>1010836
This is Markarth traveler, the safest city in the Reach*

* = It is also the only city in the Reach

| >>1010843 I unironically think Riften is safer than Markath lmao

Total number of posts: 34, last modified on: Thu Jan 1 00:00:00 1712702843

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