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How to deal with hunger?

| A few months after i started seriously bodybuilding i started getting suuuper hungry (even after having 3k cal daily + shitton protein). Dont know what to do since eating more is too expensive for my health budget

| From hunger comes desperation, and from desperation comes ingenuity. You'll come up with something soon.

| it's okay to be hungry, you get used to it after a while!

| Have you tried developing an eating disorder? The feelings of hunger go away after a while, and you save a lot of money on groceries!

| you probably are going too hard on the protein to begin with
optimally you want avg. 1.6 g protein/kg body mass/day. any more of that just gets pissed out. meanwhile mfs i've seen do four scoops protein powder with breakfast. how to turn your bladder into a sac of ammonia 101.
if you don't do this, ignore this part of the post

| contributing factors to hunger are stress and lack of sleep, think whether you suffer from those
ensure you drink plenty water, 3 liters per day with adequate electrolytes, because you sweat out a lot during exercise
eat. more. fiber. 30 grams a day minimum
meals every 4 hours or so are much better for you than a few large ones: they stabilize blood sugar levels, which itself reduces cravings

| if all else fails, caffeine and capsaicin are easily accessible hunger suppresants. capsaicin is the nonaddictive of the two though a burning sphincer is a side effect.

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| Eat ass

| Have sex and have fun.

| >>b88ca6 OP here, thanks for the advice gurl. I'll try getting more fiber and lowering my protein powder use.

| Oatmeal!

| It's ok to feel hungry. Your body got used to eating more than now and need time to adapt. Try drink cold water and eat low calories products like cucumber when you are at your limit.

Don't know for sure but I saw meds that makes you feel less hungry. Know nothing about it but you can look.

| >>1008470 Heard that those meds are addictive from a few gals i used to know, they were anorexic.

| >>1008669 i would like to know more thanx

| >>1008715 They used benzphetamine, apparantly that stuff is a slippery slope if you arent careful. Did some more research on it and it's "similar to an amphetamine"


| Eat niga lmao

| i'll eat you~

Total number of posts: 17, last modified on: Wed Jan 1 00:00:00 1711173040

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