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The good and the bad

| I don't know where else to share this. So here we go. My friend may become homeless due to her ex-husband trying to ruin her life and take the house and basically everything else. That's the bad part.

The good part (that I feel bad about) is that she may move in with me and my common law wife. Why is this good? My wife thinks my friend is hot. (She is) and my friend and I have had sex before when we were teens. I might just start a harem...

| I'm probably going to feel like shit if this ends up happening. But I can't help but hope. Am I a bad g/u/rl? Or would you lot feel the same?

| Have sex and have fun

| Where's the ugly?

| >>97cb32 I'm kinda fat if that matters. But I make bank.

Total number of posts: 5, last modified on: Mon Jan 1 00:00:00 1710599855

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