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family trips are bullshit

| >1 week "family" trip to korea
>Say I can have 3 days to dick around+do fuck all
>Rest is meeting family
>Dick around days come
>Suddenly get told I can't go off on my own+only get less than half an hour to explore
>mother gets to explore for 5+hours
>Couldn't even go to weeb shops and night life arcades/bars b/c "tight" on time (not really)
>Rest of days spent having to deal w/ nigger, muzzies and Chinese chinks LARPing as Korean chinks
>Trip comes to an end
Gonna kill myself

| Am mid 20s btw

| >>1003372 hello mid 20s, I'm Pomu

| >>bb7770 nice to meet you なおみぃ

| I was with you until the racism

| I was also with op until the racism. Maybe the problem is you, op

| I am with op, having to deal with shit-skinned individuals and chinksectoids really sounds annoying

| tfw couldn't explore asian countries in the 80s/90s before they were plagued with problematic races causing nothing but mischief

| tfw when you substitute race hate for a personality

Jesus christ, no wonder you chinks want to end yourselves

| tfw you substitute sexual deviance for a personality

Jesus christ, no wonder you trannies want to end yourselves

| Grown ass man can't say no to his mother,oof

| I don't have race hate for a personality. I just would like to enjoy a nice day out without seeing a bunch of niggers.

| why are racist people _always_ such whiny betas?

| >>1003731
Because they literally have nothing else to define themselves with, it's sad

Total number of posts: 14, last modified on: Fri Jan 1 00:00:00 1708496438

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