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My best friend (crush)

| She's not my gurlfriend.

We spend hours together every day, sometimes a good half of the day; and that's just quality time, not even counting random chatting.
She's beaming when she sees me enthused about anything. She's gloomy and depressive but she's clearly always in a good mood when we hang out.
I'm one of the only two people she calls by their first name online, the other being her ex.
We have a really nice chemistry too!

But she's not my gurlfriend.
And that's a shame.

| Are you that "I broke up with a femboy" OP?

| >>1003368

| Extremely easy solution to this conundrum. Simply ask her if she wants to be you girlfriend

| >>1003406 don't do this, it creates mustard gas

| >>1003406
Well I've already told her how I felt, she's perfectly aware. To quote what she said once, we'll never be together.
Still enjoyable and fulfilling tho.

| >>1003422 manipulate her to depend on you, if she's really depressed, it should be easy

| >>1003424
She has a good head on her shoulders, I doubt that would work in a parallel universe where I wanted to do something like that to her.

| >>1003429 not that depressed then

| Lmao I relate! My friend and I like each other but we can't be together /yet/. I wish you the best of luck OP!

| forest gump moment

| Sounds like she's abusing you emotionally

| >>1004100 what

| >>1003422 what a bitch.
Spend more time with someone else, just get better people on you, so you get off from this carrot on a stick and you take her out of your "seemsly not good enough" nest, and then let her decide on her own.
OR you take the stronger physical approach, you impose yourself into her more and make her feel that you OWN her.
like, collect your self respect back again because she's been clearly stomping over it several times.

| >>1003366 and maybe try to get a hint of why she's still talking with her ex and why would she still be open with him while you're right before her face each day

| >>1004489 >>1004490 You're crazy g/u/rl. I don't see what's wrong about spending time with my friend. If anything, she's helping improve my self respect.
As for her ex they broke up on good terms, they have no reason not to remain friends.

| >>1003422
Sounds like she's not worth it gurl. She doesn't see you in that way

| >>1004492 okay I understand better now.
good luck with your life and don't get obsessed with romance etc.
it's just better to cherish the times where it's still possible to have simply fun without much to worry about. Life always changes so at least make good memories instead stocking some regrets.

| >>1004536 Thank you g/u/rl, wish you the best too

| >>1004492
Op you sound like your live a life that many people can only dream of. I'm happy for you. Hold on to that.

But also now I'm puzzled why you made this thread in this place. You sound genuinely happy? Are you just humble-bragging about having good non-romantic friends?

Total number of posts: 20, last modified on: Thu Jan 1 00:00:00 1708653665

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