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thread got Yeeted?

| I swear there was a drawing request thread I made a joke reply to.

| It never happened
*holds up Men In Black flashi thing up*

| Maid seek and destroy all protocol

| Also that was a 50k thread; she ain't gonna draw shit

| I demand answers, the maids have gone too far!

| the maids barely do anything for this fucking website. shut up already, jesus.

| >>1002567 hey.. that's rude to the maids!

| >>1002578 ur mom is rude

| >>1002579 ;-;

| Draw Lain doing a backflip!

| >>1002493 got it head-on. 50k made the thread, and I generally ban + delete all posts from 50k-chan IPs. 50k has made a drawing requests thread no less than a half dozen times, and very rarely actually draws any of the requests.

>>1002567 I exist to exterminate 50k-chan, and update the news occasionally. ( +.+)

| >>1002596 good maid *fucks your mouth*

| >>1002596 thanks, but not fast enough for me to troll him

Total number of posts: 13, last modified on: Sun Jan 1 00:00:00 1708079369

This thread is permanently archived