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doomscrolling is shockingly easy

| i tried to reverse image search a panel of manga on discord and ended up doomscrolling privacy and surveilance laws for 2 hours

| Congrats! You might have ADHD!

| >>1002508
I feel like trying to suggest a diagnosis based on like 1 sentence is a bit much...

| >>1002508
Typical Millennial. Always trying to diagnose people with stuff they don't have which lead to a mental health crisis of fake mental illnesses

| >>1002508 congrats! You have a gurl dick in your mouth! *fucks your mouth*

| By the way, I am Pomu de una famulia noble Pomulia
—Pomu de una famulia noble Pomulia—

| Anyone seeing more nsfl vids on Twitter?

Couldn't sleep so spent 2 hours watching barely safe for life clips, no gore but like Looney toon stuff but human.

I didn't know there was a whole media economy around it.

Like growing up it was just the one weirdo who watched live leak or bestgore.

| i've done it so much none of it bothers me anymore. unless it's some really heinous shit. for the most part, it feels good not giving a fuck.

| OP obviously got ADHD

| >>1003484
Twitter is dead

| >>1003484

>Like growing up it was just the one weirdo who watched live leak or bestgore.
it's a whole thing, really. i recall a few months ago looking on some random gore forum that spun off a dead gore site. people were making all sorts of mixtapes and comps. i clicked one out of curiosity, skipped to the end and it was a black cat getting its spine snapped in half. pretty sure it was tied up or something. i think it's a fetish for some of these people.

Total number of posts: 11, last modified on: Sun Jan 1 00:00:00 1708498328

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