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| let us all celebrate the coming of this cny

| this . . . this . . . this WHAT ! ! ! O.O THE COMING OF THIS WHAT ? ? ? >.> ? ? ? ! ! ! >.> what . . . <.< 0.0' what do you mean . . . you couldn't mean . . . no . . . it can't be . . . CUNNY ? ! ? ! WHAT ! ! ! errr . . . WEIRD ! ! ! >.> WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU ? ? ? GROSS DUDE WHAT THE HELL

| Chinese New Year

| Cunny new year (ToT)

| Chungus New Yearâ„¢

| Celebrating this year was exhausting, I hate chinese family gatherings

| Futa Pomu is so fag~~~


| random guy at the cny shrine was carring around an electric kettle looking for a plug

| >>1001497 epic

| Moe moe cnyyy~

Total number of posts: 10, last modified on: Sat Jan 1 00:00:00 1707780625

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