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how to escape from Ukraine?

| this is not news but in general applies to the current situation in world so I'm posting on /new/. I'm not satisfied with the current regime so I would like to escape to one of the neighboring countries (both European and Russia/Belarus, I'm satisfied with all options), the only thing I don't really know how to. I think the sweetest places like rugged terrain and places close to roads are guarded and those where you can't get there by vehicle are guarded worse.

| so if you have information about how the border guards catch people and work in general I would be glad if you send me links to it.

| *facepalm*

| You're not the only one who wants to do this. But if you are caught, they will send you to war.

| >>994765 fr? there's like no basis for that, right?

| >>994766
This would be piss-easy to figure out if you were living in ukraine

| >>994767 I am, I'm just too lazy to do it myself

| >>994790
no, you are a russian loser troll

| Join the army and defect loser

| river crossing into moldova and take a plane to turkey
romania is a trap, polish border guards will kill you, belarus is worse

| >>994854 sounds kinda fair
the only problem that idk aren't moldova is pretty sweet spot for guards too?

| >>994873 how the fuck are they going to fish you out of the kuchurhan reservoir, locals make that trip daily to get to work on the other side. ditto other crossings

| >>994854"polish border guards will kill" lolololollolol

Total number of posts: 13, last modified on: Mon Jan 1 00:00:00 1705327951

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