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Here's something interesting to consider...

| It's totally forgotten now, and verboten to mention, but earlier on, pedophilia and repealing ages of consent was actually something the Gay Liberation movement fought for. The emphasis on 'consenting adults' came later as people grew more paranoid about child molestors and any association with pedophilia became a mill around the movement's neck.

In their book chapter "Same Sex, Different Ages: On Pederasty in Gay History," Gert Hekma and D. H. Mader survey the history of recorded male same-sex eroticism through surviving photography artwork. They conclude: "The history of pederasty is to a large extent the history of homosexuality, and vice versa".

| Reflecting on the dire consequences of expansive definitions of child pornography, which can include drawings, animation, and any material featuring real-life persons under 18 years of age even if they are not engaged in sexual activity or remotely naked, they note that the mere possession of much material they and other historians discuss has now become illegal - providing a justification to wield state-power to destroy gay history.

| As they explain, "When the age for “child pornography” rises to 21, a very significant part of the visual history that the LGBT community now celebrates becomes off limit"

| Keith Vacha, a gay writer whose work appeared in Fag Rag (an old gay magazine), interviewed over 100 homosexuals from the pre-Stonewall generation (born around 1900) for his book Quiet Fire, and noted "a high degree of inter-generational relationships among the men I met" (Quiet Fire, 1985, p. 217).

| On the basis of his interviews, Vacha attributed this tendency "not so much to preference as to their lack of hesitancy in entering into such age-segregated relationships. The stigma against these kinds of relationships does not appear to be as strong in the gay community as it is in society in general. (pp. 217-218).

| Homosexuality (and pederasty) remained illegal and strictly taboo until the liberation movements of the 60s. With effectively no age of consent for homosexuality, the movement was "age-queered" as inter-generational sex was no more illegal than same age homosexuality. Witch-hunts such as the Boise controversy targeted pederasts in the name of curbing homosexuality - since the homosexuals were largely pederasts. Boy prostitution was also common form of homosexuality in this period.

| Research has revealed the presence of underage rent boys and street kids at Stonewall, a joint known for its lax door policies; cultivating a collection of underage hustlers, drag queens, transsexuals and ailing pederasts. There was a network of corruption involving the Feds and the Mob, who exploited this consensual trade in underage boys, using it to extort Wall St traders and others.

| The bars, many of which were frequented by hookers aged 14-18+ (the more mature end of the boy trade in New York) were generally run by the Mob, and would pay the Feds off with money raised via this extortion racket/pleasure-boy trade. When said financial relationship broke down (or when politicians and officials were seeking to promote themselves as champions of Law and Order), raids occurred - as was common with sex shops, brothels and bars of that era.

| "In Stonewall’s heyday you had underage hustlers, people selling drugs, and it was really a seedy place," - (David Carter, author of Stonewall: The Riots that Sparked the Gay Revolution") According to Carter, the “hierarchy of resistance” in the riots began with the homeless or “street” kids, those young gay men who viewed the Stonewall as the only safe place in their lives.

| The modern gay movement was "age-queer" from the beginning (not without assimilationist tendencies, again, expressed in the 'consenting adults' phrase). This is demonstrated by the foundation of gay youth groups immediately after Stonewall, and their policy platforms. New York's Gay Youth, for example, lobbied for the complete removal of ages of consent. (https://ibb.co/0MkGSgd)

| What is also striking about these youth groups, is how they viewed "Boylovers" (also called 'Chickenhawks') as a means to an end.(https://ibb.co/5nxKgs6)

| The 1972 Gay Rights Platform, created at the National Coalition of Gay Organizations Convention held in Chicago in 1972, demanded at a state level, "repeal of all laws governing the age of sexual consent". The same year, members of Boston’s Gay Men’s Liberation lobbied the Democratic National Convention for the complete abolition of parental rights, adding that "free 24 hour child care centers be established where faggots and lesbians share the responsibility of child rearing".

| Abolitionism wasn't just limited to the US, as London's Gay Liberation Front and its youth wing marched in favor of repealing the Age of Consent, and the following excerpt from Radical History Review, suggests similar movements were seen in Canada:

| "Certainly, youth liberation was understood to be part of the gay movement. A 1973 editorial in TBP said, “At the centre of the Gay Liberation Movement is the whole burning question, which we cant ignore, of sexual rights for gay youth and youth in general.” A few years later, Fiona Rattray, then a young member of LOOT, penned a positive review of Growing Up Gay, a 1976 anthology published by the Youth Liberation Press, a wing of the Ann Arbor-based Youth Liberation Organization."

| "Founded in 1970, the youth-led YLO included in its fifteen-point program the “unhindered right” to “sexual self-determination.” [...] At a national [Canadian] gay conference in 1975, two young lesbians, in a shrewd demonstration of youth power, told delegates over the age of twenty-one that they should vote on the age-of-consent issue based on the wishes of those under twenty-one."

| "All the youth delegates were in favor of the outright abolition, not just equalization, of the age of consent. While the issue never achieved complete consensus in the movement, the National Gay Rights Coalition, like many of its member groups, including TBP, adopted as part of its platform the abolition of all age-of-consent laws. [...]"

| "In the 1,000-strong march up Toronto’s main drag in January 1978 to protest Anita Bryant’s visit and to defend TBP, protesters chanted, “Women and Gays and Children Unite: Same Struggle, Same Fight.”"


In France, the early LGBT rights advocate and founder of queer theory Guy Hocquenghem, referred to as "a founding father of homosexual liberation in France", had a lifelong relationship with his then high school philosophy teacher René Schérer which had began as an affair when Hocquenghem was 15 years of age.

| He participated in the May '68 student revolt and published a coming out essay in January 1972 entitled the "Revolution of Homosexuals", described as "the literary event that, probably more than any single other, helped establish the cause of gay liberation firmly in the wider public consciousness."


| He was a prominent member of the Front Homosexuel d'Action Révolutionnaire (FHAR), which opposed the age of consent, and signed and defended the French Petition against Age of Consent Laws signed by many of the most influential thinkers of the 20th century, including Michel Foucault and founder of 2nd wave feminism Simone de Beauvoir.


| In Sexual Morality and the Law (1978), a radio talk with Michel Foucault and Jean Danet, Hocquenghem stated:

"As far as this question of consent is concerned, I prefer the terms used by Michel Foucault: listen to what the child says and give it a certain credence. This notion of consent is a trap, in any case. What is sure is that the legal form of an intersexual consent is nonsense. No one signs a contract before making love."


Queer historian Kadji Amin (2014) wrote:

"During the French gay liberation moment of the early 1970s, male “homosexual revolutionaries” widely accepted that the liberation of pederasts would be the cutting edge of the sexual revolution agenda. As the Groupe de Libération Homosexuelle 14 writes in a 1976 publication, “The fight for the liberation of pederasts . . . is essential, perhaps, more fundamental than that of homosexuals, perhaps even more than that of women."

| "It radically questions all of society; subversion par excellence.” French gay liberationists valued pederasty as a radical challenge to the bourgeois nuclear family, understood to be the fundamental unit of a society founded on repressive sex and gender normalization. They theorized pedophilia as a crucial means of contesting parents’ possessive investment in their children and of championing minors’ free exercise of their sexuality."

(Disturbing Attachments by Kadji Amin)

| David Thorstad says of the post-Stonewall American group he led:

"New York's Gay Activists Alliance (GAA), successor to the Gay Liberation Front and a prototype activist group founded in December 1969, opposed legal restrictions on sex based on age, although this was never a focus of the group's activities. In 1976 GAA became the first gay group in New York — and probably in the country — to sponsor a public forum on man/boy love."

| "Held at the Church of the Beloved Disciple on April 4, the forum brought together a "panel of pederasts" to speak on the topic "Of Men and Boys: Pederasty and the Age of Consent." The Canadian Lesbian and Gay Rights Coalition, a cross-Canada group, also favored abolishing the age of consent. Many activists shared the view that the state had no business regulating sex between consenting partners, whatever their age."

| "In 1977, the issue of sex between adults and minors moved abruptly to center stage. Anita Bryant began to articulate the mounting backlash to gay liberation by zeroing in on a perceived weak link: the widespread belief that gay men seduce young boys and turn them into queers."

| "The name of her organization — Save Our Children— transparently implied this. Simultaneously, a new hysteria about "kiddie porn" arose, fed by the political right and the feminist movement, with unmistakable suggestions that gay men who loved boys were in reality exploiting and abusing them. This clever propaganda ploy not only deftly exploited the public ignorance about homosexuality, but also caught the gay movement off guard: It was unprepared to make an intelligent rebuttal."

| >>958939

| Is this that same poster that did the other pedo wikipedia thread like a month ago?

| If you don't start putting your bait posts in the right board I am going to start banning you.

| >>958911 rent free

| What is the goal of OP?
OP, please tell us your motivations and objectives behind posting this.

| >>959010 op probabily only infodumps but I can try to ask back what would be the reason to being here in the first place?

| OP realizes loose groups and organizations cut off extreme elements when turning into a proper movement.
Much wisdom.

Total number of posts: 35, last modified on: Tue Jan 1 00:00:00 1686560497

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