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Thoughts about China stationing troops for "combat training" near Taiwan?

| I already thought we were living in a dark page of history, but things are going even more out of hand.


| Disregard this thread. I suck an immeasurable amount of cocks.


| I think Nobusuke Kishi had the right idea. The more dead Chinese the better. I hope the war ends in nucleat combat.


| There's no source on this, so I found one.


| >>951422 G/u/rl, I know you're new here, but you could at least read the rules ffs. https://dangeru.us/new/rules

| They do this all the time, it's nothing new

| Greetings, my fellow female posters of danger/u/. It is with great joy to inform you that I have fucked my own mouth. Yes, I, F.O.X., have twisted my ribs and positioned my hips in such a manner that my own g/u/rlpenis has been able to move horizontally in and out of my mouth as if a reciprocating piston. This is a revolutionary experience and an accomplishment of the human spirit, as well as a demonstration of the raw unfettered power of the will of the mo/u/thfucker.


| >>951506 How did you find this?

| >>951605 it's on every board. Just do /rules after the board link.

| >>951625 Addendum, for the mobile app users, there is also an information button that replaces the refresh button on the title bar that reads the rules of whatever thread you selected. Try it on /test/!

| >>951663 Took awhile but I found it this way. Thank you!

| 作为中国人来讲两句,中国共产党对台湾的态度不等于中国人民对台湾的态度,军事演练等挑衅行为我们从来就没有支持过。说实话最好还是不要打仗,对两岸甚至世界影响都太大

| there's going to be tsmc factory plants in both us and eu so why do we still care

| >>952170 Taiwanese people are some of the nicest people on the planet. It's also one of the only places to enjoy Chinese culture without an oppressive government ruining it

| It's just saber waving, nothing more, they been doing this shit for years.

| >>06f22b
They have their own culture and history, and the youths there are the best, love them with all my heart.

| >>952170
>going to be
That's the key word, buddy.

| >>952180 It's true but Xi has started escalating, firing missiles for example

| >>952341 North Korea does the same shit too.

| >>952157 I think this is pretty much how most mainlanders feel. Western media tries to villainize the entirety of Chinese people sometimes, when in reality most civilians don't agree with the leadership's decisions. But unlike the West unless the decisions are majorly fucked up, like Zero COVID, you won't see much mobilization because civilians know better than do mobilize for anything other than extremely pushing matters.

| >>953054 This is probably true but during HK protests so many of my "friends" were calling HKers cockroaches on SNS, so I think if a Taiwan invasion happens, once a few celebs on Weibo call Taiwanese cockroaches then the majority of the people will follow

| >>953054 its easy to agree with the characterization pushed by western media when you notice how the majority of mainlanders abroad still seem to be very happily loyal to the ccp over their own host country
its really only the 2nd generation and beyond that stop being fifth columnists

| >>953095 that's rough. I've seen some examples of how brutal some mainlanders were towards HKers, assumed it was almost fringe types since the natives i know were living abroad and didn't say such horrible things

>>953110 that's a good point. Many that i know and are friendly with are in the university system or have lived overseas for years, so they've always shown disdain or at least fear of the ccp

Total number of posts: 24, last modified on: Fri Jan 1 00:00:00 1682336562

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