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on digitalized bureaucracy

| used to be you'd just send the relevant office a piece of paper, you'd get a receipt for this piece of paper, and they'd look at it and process it properly

now to even get to the same piece of paper you have to go through their "online platform" where to register you have to hand over everything from your phone number to your personalized g/u/rldickprint scanned at 1200 dpi or greater and everything in between, also sign off your firstborn and let them send you a newsletter

| they still look at the same piece of paper and they still process it, it's just extra data mining for the sake of data mining

i do a lot of bureaucracy and frankly it was fucking abhorrent even without this.

| Same, whether it's finance or healthcare or charity regulations & bureaucracy threaten to strangle all productive enterprise. Pray the printout of your dickprint doesn't get lost in some wasteland of paper stacks or you might not see your child's social security card until after their 1st birthday.

| so glad that all of these companies are collecting my information and are able to be paid off to sell it like a product

| at least when you do it online no one asks you to bribe them if you want to get your papers done

Total number of posts: 5, last modified on: Thu Jan 1 00:00:00 1676770888

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