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on wood

| people be like, *introduces energy crisis*
people also be like, "noooo, don't burn wood to keep warm, that ruins the environment!!"

so, effectively, i am being told to freeze for i have no wish to pay for natural gas, no matter its source, or worse yet for coal

meanwhile the caymanese bank accounts grow fatter

| We need more nuclear but people's brains have been flattened by NuCLeAR bAD coal lobby propaganda.

| >>940147 Germany shutting all thier nuclear plants down and returning to coal was the biggest retard move ever.

| You could also use an electric heater powered with solar energy

| >>940151
>solar-powered electric heater
>at night, when you need heating the most
wisdom of the dangerg/u/rl

| >>940154
an accumulator and/or battery

| >>940154
>refuses all viable sources of heating
>complains that there are no options available

Total number of posts: 7, last modified on: Wed Jan 1 00:00:00 1675420364

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