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Is it just me or did the politics sneak into people's houses at night and wrecked up the place more than ever in the past years?

| The size of their pupil represent their connection to the wired.

| i am a politics. i ahev a long reach and i cause ruckus in the society w/ my takes. if you dont repost this on 10 other /news/ threads i will fly into your kitchen tonight and make a mess of your pots and pans

| Been going bad since 2013 when this culture war crap flared up then rich arseholes and bad political actors pumped money into it to blow things up and create misinformation super weapons.

Mgs2 was God damn transcendent.

| >>933231 Saw it go wrong when it started out as SJWs vs MRAs then it was gamergate, alt right, anti woke, transgender moral panic.

| >>933232 I wonder sometimes where culture, governments and more would be right now in a timeline where the Internet was never invented.

Total number of posts: 5, last modified on: Sat Jan 1 00:00:00 1670775391

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