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If you work as a bus controller i fucking hate you

| Public transports should be free, and the people who don't own enough money to use it should not be punished for using it.
If you're a bus controler, change jobs, don't control people, or kill yourself.

| Nigga you're high

| >>927874
nah im perfectly grounded to the earth. I hate cars and their effect on human life.
public transports need to be free, and cars out of cities.

| Wtf do you even mean?

| >>927876
bitch whats not crystal clear about what i said

| I agree that we need more accessible transportation but first we need to figure out where our tax money is going. Then we would need to fashion the cities with the public transportation in mind. This would require quite a lot of capital. So let’s not send death threats to people we don’t know personally and try to look at things from all sides

| >>927875 Without cars our society will broke. No public transportation can cover such need in todays countries and if they will, they will be more unusable and probably will make more negative impact to everything related to living things.

| >>927898 exhaust yourself car shill

| >>927888
Maybe I don't agree with you, but I totally agree with your method of thinking.
Or how it should be written nowadays: based.

| >>927875 please explain how can you be so against cars, and at the same time get so angry that you have to pay to use them

>>927888 agree with you, but I'd like to add that, if a city wants to have it's citizens use more public transport, first make sure it can provide a decent service. It's of no use promoting a bus or train service when half of the time is either so packed no one can get in them, or they are always super late, or both at the same time. Talking from experience

| >>927948 buses are not cars

| >>927968 that's true, but they also have an effect on human life, as you day, so what makes them different?

| I am with op. Cars are a fucking waste. People in the boondocks need em, insecure yuppies in the city don't

| op mad he cant afford a car
pleb, stay poor

| You know they have to pay back those who drive the fucking bus you know? You think they are doing their jobs for free?

| Rich people gentrified my city and the govt made public transit free. Taxes can easily pay for healthy public transportation. Less cars leads to less road repair, more pedestrian foot traffic, more business, more sales tax etc.

| >>928206 subsidize public transit. There isn't really a road tax most times except for toll roads, but infrastructure catered to cars suck up a lot more money than you think. Surely the same can be done with pt. Not even suggesting free rides for all, but those who need it can apply for at least a reduction. Idk about the rest of Canada, but here in Quebec students and the retired get discounts, and I was on welfare so I can personally attest that my fares were paid for back then.

| >>928453 retarded take
public transit is not mean to be paid for with ticket money
public transit is meant to pay for itself indirectly: you're meant to tax the economic activity it generates
easy example - bus people from the suburbs into a city, they can earn more money in a city, they can spend more money elsewhere, put a sales tax on the goods and services
free public transit is economically sound but will never get implemented bc muh handouts. dumb fucks

| >>928513 I mean I get it, but it's a start, isn't it? You call me rarted, but you know there are worse takes than this, the guy I'm replying to for starters. Jumping straight into universal pt isn't going to earn you friends with the hardcore carbrains, you gotta ease em into it.

| >>928529 I think universal pt in exchange for an autobahn in the desert would be enough

| actually busses are goated. in my city the bus drivers run over cars and people and shit and they run into signs. they are like modern day legends

| >>928779 in an ideal world that autobahn would be replaced by nationalized rail tracks, but fingers crossed

| >>927898
A society that relies at something which at the same time destroys the environment it exists in is doomed.

| >>928806 so based

| This rant is so cringe

| Libtards are all "I want" and "You must not" up to "Kill yourself" or "I will kill you". Failing to realize that they depend on those they despise to provide the things they want for free.

There is no such thing as free eductation, free public transportation and so on. Someone has to pay for it. So OP is basically just saying that he or she is not contributing anything worthile to society and wants to live by leeching from the labor of others.

| Libtards are all "I want" and "You must not" up to "Kill yourself" or "I will kill you". Failing to realize that they depend on those they despise to provide the things they want for free.

There is no such thing as free eductation, free public transportation and so on. Someone has to pay for it. So OP is basically just saying that he or she is not contributing anything worthile to society and wants to live by leeching from the labor of others.

| Libtards are all "I want" and "You must not" up to "Kill yourself" or "I will kill you". Failing to realize that they depend on those they despise to provide the things they want for free.

There is no such thing as free eductation, free public transportation and so on. Someone has to pay for it. So OP is basically just saying that he or she is not contributing anything worthile to society and wants to live by leeching from the labor of others.

| why are some threads locked while this one gets to stay wtf?

| >>929359 Why should any thread be censored for less than CP? OP is a retarded faggot alright but grateful for any space where you are able to say exactly that without getting banned.

| can we not blame transit controllers and drivers? they are stuck in the same system we are, just working for a paycheck.

| >>929391 If wishing death on a ticket collector feels like a righteous thing to do then you know that you are dealing with narcissist or some other mentally disturbed person.

Total number of posts: 32, last modified on: Fri Jan 1 00:00:00 1668444934

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