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Europe Now Has So Much Natural Gas That Prices Just Dipped Below Zero

| Europe has more natural gas than it knows what to do with. So much, in fact, that spot prices briefly went negative earlier this week. https://edition.cnn.com/2022/10/26/energy/europe-natural-gas-prices-plunge

Russia is a joke

| For months, officials have warned of an energy crisis this winter as Russia -- once the region's biggest supplier of natural gas -- slashed supplies in retaliation for sanctions Europe imposed over its invasion of Ukraine. Now, EU gas storage facilities are close to full, tankers carrying liquefied natural gas (LNG) are lining up at ports, unable to unload their cargoes, and prices are tumbling.

Russia is a joke

| The price of benchmark European natural gas futures has dropped 20% since last Thursday, and by more than 70% since hitting a record high in late August. On Monday, Dutch gas spot prices for delivery within an hour -- which reflect real time European market conditions -- dipped below 0 Euro, according to data from the Intercontinental Exchange.

The russian state is such a joke

| okay, now explain why the poles somehow can't heat themselves

| I don't understand why you say russia is a joke, it's still russian gaz, just that intermediate country buy it, and actually their gaz industry is exporting less but at a much higher price.


| Germany burn jews to heat themselves?LOL

| Why the gas price for my apartment still rising? despite this?!?!

| >>927056 every single fossil fuel company on earth is pro-russian. i mean this unironically.

| their execs relate more to the gazprom execs getting shafted by eu sanctions than they do to any one of us


| fake and gay

| > EU gas storage facilities are close to full
It's max for a month, not more.


| I love flatulence jokes

Total number of posts: 15, last modified on: Mon Jan 1 00:00:00 1667061714

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