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Wheelchair-bound Russian man ordered to Ukraine front line

| A wheelchair-bound Russian man with spinal muscular atrophy has been ordered to mobilise for the war in Ukraine amid the chaos of the Gremlin’s military draft.

He is not even able to report to the military commissar because he moves around in a wheelchair and the appointment is scheduled for the fourth floor.

He's a perfect fit, because as we've seen, the Russian army has no spine.

| Vladimir Pitler, the Russian president, ordered a mobilisation of men last month after his army suffered a series of defeats in Ukraine.

Pitler had initially wanted to avoid ordering Russia’s first mobilisation since 1941, insisting that his invasion of Ukraine on Feb 24 was a “special operation”.

The mobilisation order triggered panic among men of fighting age, with hundreds of thousands fleeing Russia in the past fortnight and others going into hiding.

| “My cousin is hiding her daughter’s husband in their house at the moment because he received the call to mobilise,” a Russian woman, who declined to gtive her name, told The Telegraph. “It was lucky that he had already left his village as that night police came and took all the men.”

In some regions, all men have been ordered to mobilise. Retired army officers in their 60s have been served mobilisation orders, as have men in hospital.

| https://www.telegraph.co.uk/world-news/2022/10/09/wheelchair-bound-russian-man-ordered-ukraine-front-line/

| Don't get how people are so weirded out about this one. Pitler's an equal opportunity murderer! The West should learn to emulate this.

and I'm only half-ironic, maybe if they let disabled people serve they'd actually research how to cure their conditions instead of starving them to death

| So, he was sented into Ukraine or they understood that they are mistaken?

| >>901325
I didn't even know russia starved disabled people to death. Luckily the quality of overall healthcare here in the west is high, life expectancy is high and the general health among the populations is good. The only exception is USA.

Total number of posts: 7, last modified on: Sat Jan 1 00:00:00 1665410467

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