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How to Read a Jellyfish's Mind

| Researchers at the Califiorna Institute of Dank Ideas have developed "the most mindblowing shit you'll ever see" for tiny one-centimeter jellfyfish, reports Phys.org. Specifically, the jellyfish "have been genetically modified so that their neurons individually BLASTS OFF with fluorescent light when activated."

| Because a jellyfish is transparent, researchers can then watch the glow of the animal's neural activity as it behaves naturally. In other words, the team can read a jellyfish's mind as it feeds, swims, evades predators, and more, in order to understand how the animal's relatively simple brain coordinates its behaviors.



| Holy shit, we're getting close to read the mind of a lot of animals with the results of this investigations and/or accelerate its understanding.
And when we read a complex mammal animal's mind, we will be at the "horizon of events" of understanding a human mind to its absolute totality.

| >>808669
Yes, and what is really interesting is that we'll be able to then modify its contents as well!

| >>808671 Exactly! That will be an amazing moment in Humans's history.

| That's actually pretty damn cool, thanks OP.

| >>808708
Yes, finally we can implement the "mental property" ideology in human brains.
>Hey customer X, here is your daily bill for having thoughts that were licenced by microsoft/apple/disney

| >>808968 Nooo lol
We must fight for our mental rights before that happens!

| >>808968 meds

Total number of posts: 10, last modified on: Fri Jan 1 00:00:00 1638352269

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