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continuation of shit thread

| >>732129
interesting how most of the bolshevist leadership in the soviet union was jewish then. how about the upper ranks in the soviet bureaucratic apparatus? even today, the riches in the USA are quite closer to the jews...
it's always propaganda when it doesn't agree with you.

| even the allied powers at the time were wary of instigating anything because they considered the soviet union and Germany to be too close politically and diplomatically to split away.
but, well, Hitler seemed to think bolshevism was a bigger thread, and this world is what we have as a result.

| The soviet union were going to invade Poland anyway, Britain had their eyes set on Germany though, they wouldn't (and didn't) care in the slightest if the commies invaded Poland, we should all be used by now of double standards, this was just one of them.
So yes the Bolsheviks were a bigger threat..

| >>732451
>So yes the Bolsheviks were a bigger threat..
To capitalism.

| >>732474
no. pay attention.

| >>732474
you REALLY have to be retarded to think that especially when the soviet union and the allies fought Germany together.

you have a loopback in your brain it seems

| >>732477
>hen the soviet union and the allies fought Germany together.
Which they did very late, and just for a short time. After WW2 they became enemies again, remember? Ever heard about "Cold war"? Also if we talk about the soviet union during WW2, we don't talk about revolutionary internationalist communism but about stalinism, which is an entirely different thing. Stalin was a douchebag and traitor to communism. Hitler was a douchbag legitimated by inherently rotten ideas.

| >>732477
I can assure you that everything is ok with my brain. You should consider to rethink YOUR thought world if you have no other arguments.

| >>732482
you deflected. you immediately jumped back on capitalism when i was talking about soviet-German relations. capitalism lives rent free in your head. read the whole thing again.
>i'm not dumb, YOU'RE dumb!

| >>732485
I've already read the whole thing. But to this whole thing there belong much more versions than yours. I know exactly were your version of (hi)story was and is developed and maintained.

| >>732487
sorry, i can't talk to people that are this far gone.

| >>732490
You should consider questioning your position. It is me standing on solid ground, while you are floating in the air, being gone far, far away.

| >>732491
>i'm not dumb, YOU'RE dumb!

| that's basically a more pathetic form of "no u" because you're actually serious

| Well you know, the biggest hypocrites to me are always those who complain about hypocrisy the most and loudest.
Why did you start calling me dumb/brain-damaged, etc. in the first place? But, yeah I'm sorry that I couldn't find a smarter reaction than throwing the shit back you threw at me. But currently I just see no other option since you seem to be immune to facts.

| >>685ef4 nah, you are just dodging questions, and refusing to answer things you either dont know or that you refuse to accept.

| >>732500
immune to what facts? you have not presented a single fact. in fact all you do is just loop straight back to Gabidalism Ebil when i confront you with something

| >>732500 but you are the one who keeps saying you prefer hipocritical people ove honest assholes.

Quite hipocrate of you to complain about insults when you also threw insults in

| >>732451
>they wouldn't (and didn't) care in the slightest if the commies invaded Poland
Yeah, the brits (and western powers in general) cared so less about the soviet union expanding that they never supported counter revolutionary forces during the civil war...
And they cared so much about nazism rising in germany that they fought them like hell from the beginning...
*attention* this post contains an overdose of sarcasm.

| PS
facts related to the topic
yeah and i like honest assholes, they're not snakes and say what they think

| >>732504 true, Ive been reading trought these threads and whenever they cant answer something they bring the "well but capitalism is worse" or "you should question yourself more" which misses the point of the talk and show how hipocrate they are

| Factual nazi-germany was formerly seen as bulwark against communism in the centre of europe by the west. The thought error was that both nazisim and communism weren't and didn't act as western powers expected. They underestimated the stupidity of nazis antisemitism and the nationalist/imperialist agenda behind stalinism.

| >>732507 they've gotta love hipocrates otherwise they would hate themselves.>>685ef4 is a hipocrate

| >>732512
'nazi-germany' yes, and its leadership in particular, but not nazism or fascism in general. it was the anti-commie feature of the axis powers that made the capitalists hesitate in going against them.
i don't agree with the rest

| I honestly don't care if you see me as hypocrite. But it would make me happy if you would finally learn how to spell this word correctly.

| we're debating with a hypocrite

| >>732524 you really dont have standarts

| truth and lies are a matter of interpretation to the communist.

| Being a hypocrite doesn't falsify my point of views.

| >>732531
Oh suddenly you turn into moralists?

| >>732533 >>732534
i'm not debating a hypocrite. you've lost any credibility, snake.

| >>732532
As I see it, other than fascists, conservatives and liberals, we "communists" have learned our lessons from history.

| >>732535
Well, in some cultures snakes represent wisdom. Also it was the snake which brought people the ability to recognize the good and the bad. So, not really an insult.

| >>732535
I don't need your credibility. I just wan t you to know that there is no safe-space in the internet where you can spread your conspiracy theories and ideologies without resistance.

| >>685ef4
everything you said here is void of meaning. your sperg out when your lies are bared.

| >>732538 you really don have any standarts.

You know vere well which context snake was used so don twist words to make you seem better.

Either prove you are right or give up on this convo

| >>732547 prove, going back, that the soviet and german war was more significant than their cooperation? No shit... one was 2 years half-assed collaboration and some trade, one was 4 years of total war

| >>732124
That's not even half of it, it's pretty revealing looking into how far the capitalists will go to prevent socialism starting, spreading or succeeding.
How little we hear of the anticommunist genocides reveals just how propagandized our 'liberal' society really is.

Search for 'the Jakarta method'.

| >>732822 you have lost all credibility, let it go.

| >>732827 no response to the response to the actual question then?

| >>732836 I wasnt even the main guy contesting you. Also you kept throwing capitalism arounf anytime he started to prove communism was bad so don be a hipocrate.

You have lost your credibility the moment you started to deviate from the main point and argue how bad capitalism was.

| >>732837 I'm not them, I'm just pointing out that what>>04b33c was supposedly losing credibility for not proving was claiming that the soviets fighting the nazis was significant. It was obviously significant. Then there were 30 nonsense posts

Total number of posts: 42, last modified on: Thu Jan 1 00:00:00 1611330331

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